On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 10:10 AM, Gerritsma, Wouter
<wouter.gerrit...@wur.nl> wrote:

> Stevan
> Mandated OA was announced early 2011 for Earsmus University Rotterdam.
> Unfortunately this has had no effect on deposit rates whatsoever, it is
> still one of the lowest deposit rates in Nl. Mandates without carrots or
> sticks are not likely to work, despite the Liege success.
> BTW this post was partly inspired by questions you asked in Leiden back in
> 2010(?) at the van Raan farewell symposium.


I am delighted that my questions partly inspired the Erasmus mandate,
but it does matter what the mandate says, and how it is implemented!
Erasmus University's mandate states only that:

"You are only asked to deposit the so-called final author's version of
your publication in RePub at the moment that you -- after peer review
and correction -- send the same version to your publisher. The
Executive Board and your dean expect you to deposit the final author's
version in RePub within at most six months after its publication."

It is not clear how "asked" and "expected" are likely to be construed
by Erasmus researchers. Nor is it clear how this policy is
communicated to researchers, and how compliance is monitored.

The Liege success is due to the way the policy is presented and
monitored. The carrot is enhanced research impact and the stick is
that non-deposited publications are invisible to performance
evaluation (see [3] below).

I urge Erasmus University (and all other Netherlands Universities) to
adopt and implement the Liege ID/OA mandate.

Guidance on OA policy formulation and implementation is now being
provided by EnablingOpenScholarship, founded by Professor Bernard
Rentier, the rector of the University of Liege, and by Alma Swan, of
SPARC Europe.

Best wishes, Stevan

November 26, 2008 (message from Rector to ULg faculty):

 The increase in international visibility of the ULg [Universitée Liè] and its
 researchers, mainly through their publications, as well as the support for the
 worldwide development of an open and free access to scientific works (Open
 Access) are two essential objectives at the heart of my action, as you
 probably know.

 At my request, the Institutional Repository "ORBi" (Open Repository &
 Bibliography) has been set up at the ULg by the Libraries Network to meet
 these objectives.

[1] The experimental encoding phase based on volunteerism being now
 successfully completed, we can step forward and enter the "production phase"
 this Wednesday November 26th, 2008. I take this opportunity to thank all the
 professors and researchers who have already filed in ORBi hundreds of their
 references, 70% of them with the full text. Thanks to their patience, ORBi's
 fine tuning could be achieved.

 From today onward, it is incumbent upon each ULg member to feed ORBi with
 his/her own references. In this respect, the Administrative Board of the
 University has decided to make it mandatory for all ULg members:

 - to deposit the bibliographic references of ALL their publications since

 - to deposit the full text of ALL their articles published in periodicals
 since 2002.

 Access to these full texts will only be granted with the author's consent and
 according to the rules applicable to author's rights and copyrights. The
 University is indeed very keen on respecting the rights of all stakeholders.

 [2] For future publications, deposit in ORBi will be mandatory as soon as the
 article is accepted by the editor.

 [3] I wish to remind you that, as announced a year ago in March 2007, starting
 October 1st, 2009, only those references introduced in ORBi will be taken into
 consideration as the official list of publications accompanying any curriculum
 vitae for all evaluation procedures 'in house' (designations, promotions, grant
 applications, etc.).

 Information seminars have been planned during the next months to allow every
 one of you to make the tool your own thing. Help is also accessible online,
 such as the simplified user's guide (also available as a leaflet) and the
 Depositor's Guide.

 The development of ORBi offers multiple advantages not only to the
 Institution, but also to the researchers and their teams, such as:
- a considerable speeding up of the dissemination and visibility of the
 scientific works (as soon as publication approval is granted;

 - a considerable increase in visibility for the published works through
 referencing in the main search engines (Googlescholar, OAI metaengines,

 - centralised and perennial conservation of publications allowing multiple
 exploitation possibilities (integration in personal web pages, in
 institutional web pages, export of reference lists towards other applications
 and to funding organisations such as the Belgian National Fund for Scientific
 Research); - etc.

I hope that, despite the time you are going to devote to this somewhat tedious
 task, you will soon realise the benefits of this institutional policy.
 The University of Liege policy is mandatory: the
Immediate-Deposit/Optional-Access (ID/OA) mandate

All publications must be deposited. Wherever publisher agreement
conditions are fulfilled, the author will authorize setting access to
the deposit as open access. By default, access to a deposit will be
closed access, except where open access has been authorised.
http://romeo.eprints.org  In case of doubt, access will remain closed
to avoid any conflict with publisher agreement conditions

For closed access deposits, the institutional repository
http://orbi.ulg.ac.be/ will have an EMAIL EPRINT REQUEST BUTTON which
allows the author to fulfill individual eprint requests.

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