On Sun, 2012-03-18 at 21:28 +0900, Andrew A. Adams wrote:
> David Prosser wrote:
> > Say I wanted to data mine 10,000 articles.  I'm at a university, but I am c=
> > o-funded by a pharmaceutical company and there is a possibility that the re=
> > search that I'm doing may result in a new drug discovery, which that compan=
> > y will want to take to market.  The 10,000 articles are all 'open access', =
> > but they are under CC-BY-NC-SA licenses.  What mechanism is there by which =
> > I can contact all 10,000 authors and gain permission for my research?
> The intent of CC-NC is that one cannot take the original material, re-mix it 
> (or even just as-is) and sell the resulting new work. It does not mean that 
> the information it contains cannot be used in a commercial setting, but that 
> the expression it contains cannot be used in a commercial setting. A simple 
> example is that a CC-NC licensed book cannot be recorded as an audio play 
> which is then sold. If one makes an audio book it must be available for free. 
> However, copies of a CC-NC book can be distributed to students who are paying 
> for a course in English literature as one of the books studied.

I don't understand this concern about 'NC' (non-commercial). I
understood that the "give-away open access literature" was given-away by
authors precisely because the motivation for publishing publicly funded
research is not for direct commercial gain. Instead, authors derive
impact from others reading and citing their work.

If a company were to create and sell an audio version of a research work
then that increases the author's impact. That doesn't preclude someone
else creating a "for-free" audio version, nor readers accessing the
original self-archived or gold-OA text version.

OA is not about anti-capitalism - if someone can take the "resource" (OA
research literature), add value and re-sell it (with suitable
attribution) then that can only be to the advantage of authors and

Tim Brody

School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom

Email: t...@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)23 8059 7698

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