Could we please bury access-denial, actually, before we bury journals,

Access-denial continues, for decades now, since the Web made it possible 
to put an end to it, once and for all, yet there seems to be no end of 
future-casting in its stead, while research access and impact just continue
to be lost, needlessly, year in and year out...

Stevan Harnad

On 2012-11-09, at 8:06 AM, Jan Velterop <> wrote:

> Very few journals are indeed 'journals' (in the sense of presenting 'daily'
> updates on the state of knowledge), except perhaps the likes of PLOS
> One and arXiv. So what we traditionally think of as journals have had
> their heyday. They functioned as an organising mechanism in the time
> that that was useful and necessary. That function has been taken over,
> and become far more sophisticated, by computer and web technology.
> That doesn't mean journals, as an organising concept, will disappear
> anytime soon. I give them a few decades at least. To be sure, their
> print-on-paper manifestations are likely to go much earlier, but that's
> not a conceptual, but just a practical thing.
> 'Journals' are already for the largest part virtual — just concepts, like 
> /papers'. Skeuologues from a bygone era. Perhaps the likes of PLOS
> One and arXiv should be called 'courant' and 'papers' should be referred
> to as 'articles'.
> By the way, I see articles also change in the way they are being used
> and perceived. They will more and more be 'the record' and less and
> less a means of communication. That, by the way, establishing and
> curating the permanent record, is no sinecure. I used to call the scientific
> literature "the minutes of science" ( They
> need to be taken, but after they've been approved, most minutes are
> only ever read in case of doubt or problems. One reason is of course
> the 'overwhelm' of literature (see e.g. Fraser & Dunstan, On the impossibility
> of being expert, BMJ 2010,
> 'Reading' in order to 'ingest' knowledge will be replaced by large-scale
> machine-assisted analysis of, and reasoning with, data and assertions
> found in the literature. Organisation of the literature in the current 
> prolific
> number of journals — and the concomitant fragmentation it entails — will
> be more of a hindrance than a help.
> Initiatives such as nanopublications ( and, in the field
> of pharmacology, OpenPHACTS (, are the harbingers 
> of change.
> Jan Velterop
> On 9 Nov 2012, at 12:03, Ross Mounce wrote:
>> On 9 November 2012 11:09, Steve Hitchcock <> wrote:
>> Ross,    In your view, but in this case what would be the point of any 
>> journal?
>> Steve, you've got it in one here: what is the point of journals? ...
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