My reaction: thank you, Jeffrey Beall! - both for the important  
service of tracking those predatory open access publishers, and for  
exposing this attempt to discredit you. Bravo!

Further applause on IJPE:


Heather Morrison, PhD
The Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics

On 18-Dec-12, at 9:48 AM, Peter Suber wrote:

> [Forwarding from Jeffrey Beall, via the ScholComm list.  --Peter  
> Suber.]
> Colleagues,
> I am the author of Scholarly Open Access, a blog that includes lists  
> of questionable scholarly publishers and questionable independent  
> journals.
> I'm writing to let people that I've been the victim of an ongoing,  
> organized attempt to discredit me and my blog.
> Specifically, I've been a victim of email spoofing, in which someone  
> is sending emails that appear to be from me but really are not.
> One of the spoofed emails is an offer to "reevaluate" a publisher's  
> presence on my list for five thousand dollars. These emails try to  
> make it look like I am extorting money from publishers.
> Also, someone is going around setting up new blogs that reprint the  
> spoofed email or that include contrived quotes from scholars. An  
> example is here.
> Additionally, someone is leaving negative comments about me and my  
> work on various OA-related blogs and websites, writing in the names  
> of people prominent in the OA movement. One place this occurred was  
> in the comments section of my October Nature piece. The publisher  
> has removed these spurious statements and closed further comments.
> I'm going to continue my work identifying questionable and predatory  
> publishers as best I can. Because many of the publishers on my list  
> are true criminals, it's no surprise that they would respond in a  
> criminal way.
> I realize my blog is not perfect; I've made mistakes and have tried  
> to learn from them. Many of you have given me valuable advice, and I  
> have tried to implement the good advice as best I could. I have not  
> engaged in any of the activities that they are trying to frame me  
> with.
> Thanks for your understanding.
> Jeffrey
> Jeffrey Beall, MA, MSLS, Associate Professor
> Scholarly Initiatives Librarian
> Auraria Library
> University of Colorado Denver
> 1100 Lawrence St.
> Denver, Colo.  80204 USA
> (303) 556-5936
> <image001.jpg>
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