*Hey, Tony (2013) **A Journey to Open Access* <http://tonyhey.net/>* Tony
Hey on Escience (blog)*


It is no coincidence that it was Tony Hey -- a distinguished theoretical
physicist turned computer scientist -- who was among the first to
understand both the immense potential of Open Access: After all, as a
physicist, he had been a long-time user of the preprint system that was the
precursor to Arxiv, where physicists have been self-archiving their papers
since 1991, and as a computer scientist, he was now in the discipline that
had created the Internet and been self-archiving their papers on it via
anonymous FTP even a decade earlier.

Tony not only saved my career (by immediately giving me a job in computer
science at the University of Southampton when I quit my job in psychology)
but, as head of the school of electronics and computer science Tony -- as
well as his successor (when he became first Dean and then head of the UK
EScience), Wendy Hall, with her prescient creation of the Open Journals
Project -- supported and promoted my inchoate Simon-in-the-Desert efforts
for what eventually came to be called OA. Without Tony and Wendy (and the
technical brilliance of Les Carr, and the core contributions of Tony's wife
Jessie, a librarian) there could never have been the Subversive Proposal
(1994), Psycoloquy, CogPrints (1998), EPrints (2000), the ECS Green OA
mandate (2002-3)  (first in the word), the successful recommendation to the
2004 UK Parliamentary Select Committee, to recommend that all UK research
funders and institutions mandate Green OA, nor the many subsequent
developments (ROAR, ROARMAP and our research on the OA impact advantage and
on OA policy making).

Tony has since become Vice President of Microsoft Research Connections,
where he has not stopped thinking about OA and how to build it. He has in
the process of blogging a multi-part " A Journey to Open Access" which is
highly recommended reading for one and all:

*Hey, AJG (2013) **A Journey to Open Access* <http://tonyhey.net/>*. Tony
Hey on Escience (blog)*
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