The Creative Commons community held an extensive discussion on the definition 
of "noncommercial" for the version 4.0 draft, in which I participated. There 
were many suggestions for changing / improving the definition, but in the end 
it was decided that the existing definition is actually the best one. In other 
words, this definition will not change in version 4.0.

This was only one of many areas of intense discussion. It is important to keep 
in mind that Creative Commons serves a very broad range of communities, and the 
licenses are used in different circumstances and with different types of 
materials developed for different reasons. 

One example that is highly relevant for open access is the idea that scholarly 
works should be CC-BY so that works can be included in Wikipedia without 
seeking further permission, since Wikipedia uses CC-BY-SA. For me, this raises 
three very important questions:

1.      What is the Attribution element of CC-BY? In scholarship, what is 
important is Attribution of the scholar, journals, etc. For Wikipedia, 
anonymity is the norm, and Attribution is of Wikipeda per se. So a simplistic 
CC-BY for scholarship to permit CC-BY-SA in Wikipedia is not straightforward.

2.      There are definitely benefits to including scholarly materials in 
Wikipedia - this would certainly improve Wikipedia - but potentially downsides 
for scholarship as well. In Wikipedia the default is that anyone can edit 
anything; this means that the authoritative work of a scholar can be changed by 
anyone. This is an interesting experiment, but  it is not one that all scholars 
should be required to participate in, in the near future.

3.      The Creative Commons response to the BIS Committee's consultation is a 
good reminder of the strong moral rights provisions inherent in all of the 
Creative Commons licenses. Creative Commons assures us that CC-BY does not 
permit uses or alterations that the author does not approve of. It is hard to 
see how this perspective can be reconciled with the idea that CC-BY permits 
"free and unrestricted use". It seems clear, for example, that these strong 
moral rights provisions would give an author using CC-BY the right to demand 
changes if the work is included in Wikipedia and changes are made that the 
author does not approve of. 

In other words, the potential for misunderstandings with the CC licenses is not 
limited to the NC element. There is plenty of scope for misunderstandings with 
CC-BY, too. These potential problem areas may become more apparent as CC-BY is 
required by RCUK. That is, authors who voluntarily choose this license may be 
more understanding of re-use and derivatives than authors forced into this 

It is ironic that the Students for Free Culture are adamantly opposed to 
noncommercial licenses, when the open access version of the seminal work in 
this area, Lessig's Free Culture, was released under a Noncommercial license. 
If we were to apply some common recent arguments, we would have to say that 
Lessig's Free Culture was a horrible travesty of free culture. 

Some of those who are opposed to Noncommercial are equally opposed to any 
requirements that CC licensed works be free of charge. For some, "freedom" 
means "my freedom to use a paywall".


Dr. Heather Morrison

On 2013-02-14, at 8:54 AM, Marcin Wojnarski wrote:

> On 02/14/2013 11:24 AM, Peter Murray-Rust wrote:
>> MU indicates that he would like modified CC-* licences for humanities, 
>> etc. 
> What's the reasoning behind this? Why do humanities need special kinds 
> of licenses?
>> I am on the Science Board of Creative Commons and we are in the midst 
>> of reviewing for CC-* licences so it is a valuable time to make 
>> suggestions. It is not, however, easy to use CC licences for limit 
>> downstream us. People who argue that CC-NC does this are general mistaken.
> The best thing Creative Commons can do is to fix *-NC licences by giving 
> a clear and precise definition of "commercial purpose". Ideally, they 
> should narrow the NC exclusion to direct *resale* of the work and its 
> derivatives, permitting other uses, like providing additional paid 
> services on top of -NC works. I believe that resale of copies or 
> inclusion in paid products (sale of derivatives) is what majority (99%) 
> of authors understand by "commercial use" - they don't realize that the 
> limitations imposed by CC-NC licences are much wider and may seriously 
> impact dissemination of the work. Fixing this would be a step in the 
> right direction.
> Best,
> Marcin
> -- 
> Marcin Wojnarski, Founder and CEO, TunedIT
> TunedIT - Online Laboratory for Intelligent Algorithms
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