* Announcement (cross-posted) *

I just mailed the June issue of the SPARC Open Access Newsletter. This
issue doesn't have an article so much as a note in lieu of an article.
After 12 years and 168 issues, I'm scaling back. Next month I start a new
job as the Director of the Harvard Office for Scholarly Communication, and
I need to give my new responsibilities the time they deserve.

SPARC and I are thinking about what SOAN 2.0 might look like. We don't know
yet, but we welcome this chance to rethink the whole operation, its format,
frequency, authorship, and purpose. I may continue in some role, for
example, on an editorial board or as an occasional contributor. Stay tuned.

June 2013 issue

How to subscribe and unsubscribe to the newsletter and discussion forum.

The current and back issues are all open access, of course.


Peter Suber
Senior Researcher, SPARC
Director, Harvard Open Access Project
Fellow, Berkman Center for Internet & Society
Research Professor of Philosophy, Earlham College
Open Access Project Director, Public Knowledge
GOAL mailing list

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