<Apologies for cross posting>

Excellent news from our colleagues at Deakin University who have now adopted an 
open access policy.

Official statement from the university:

Deakin University’s Research Conduct 
 advocates open access to research.

New policy clauses now require Deakin Researchers to deposit their publications 
in the University research repository, DRO<http://dro.deakin.edu.au/>, and in 
doing so agree to the terms and conditions of the DRO deposit agreement.  
Deakin Researchers have responded positively, quickly returning their 
agreements. This has resulted in many cases of immediate access to Deakin 
research publications.  The policy further advocates open public access to 
research publications except where this is restricted by copyright law and 
publisher policy.

The Research Conduct Policy 
  has the paragraphs:

52      All refereed publications by University researchers in conferences, 
journals and books are to be deposited in the Deakin Research Online 
(DRO)<http://dro.deakin.edu.au/> repository and in so doing researchers agree 
to the terms and conditions of the Deakin Research Online (DRO) Deposit 
53      All research publications will be made open access, available to anyone 
on the web, except where this is restricted by copyright law and publisher 
policy. If researchers wish material to not be made publicly available they 
must lodge a request for it to be confidential.
16      The University supports the dissemination of research data as freely as 
practicable, subject to privacy, contractual and intellectual property 

Congratulations. And of course the policy has been added to the AOASG list of 
Australian institutions with open access policies - 


Dr Danny Kingsley
Executive Officer
Australian Open Access Support Group
e: e...@aoasg.org.au<mailto:e...@aoasg.org.au>
p: +612 6125 6839
w: wwww.aoasg.org.au
t: @openaccess_oz

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