On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 8:12 AM, Laurent Romary <laurent.rom...@inria.fr>wrote:

> With all respect, Stevan, I am not sure it is worth answering publishers'
> policy tricks with deposit hacks. The core question is: does Elsevier
> fulfills, by making such statements, its duties as service provider in the
> domain of scholarly communication. If not, we, as institutions, have to be
> clear as to what we want, enforce the corresponding policy (i.e. we
> determine what and in which way we want our publications to be
> disseminated) and inform the communities accordingly.

I agree with Laurent. We should assert our rights and - if we could act
coherently - we would be able to get them implemented. There is no legal
reason why we cannot assert a zero-month embargo - we are just afraid of
the publishers rather than believers in our own power. (It wouldn't hurt
the publishers as repositories are not yet a credible resource for bulk

Libraries (including Cambridge) seem to sign any contract the publisher
puts in front of them - they only challenge price, not use and re-use. In a
recent mail on OA the process on Green (paraphrased) was "we'll see what
embargo periods the publishers mandate" [and then enforce them]. whereas it
should have been "we - the world - demand access to knowledge and will not
accept embargos". That's a clear starting point.

I could believe in Green OA if it were boldly carried out and repositories
actually worked for readers (including machines). As it is we have "nearly
OA" - i.e. not visible. And "OA/ID" - visible at some unspecified time in
the future.

If the OA community could get a single clear goal then it might start to be
effective for the #scholarlypoor, such as Jack Andraka whose parents buy
him pay per view for medical papers.

Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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