On Sun, Nov 17, 2013 at 4:42 PM, Bjoern Brembs <b.bre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Friday, November 15, 2013, 1:09:13 AM, you wrote:
> > The political approach may be necessary to get OA
> > enacted, but we need to implement OA in such a way that it
> > is immune from political influence. In my book, that seems
> > to be a perfect role for libraries.
> This is a serious problem with mandates: they are liable to political
> influence - and billions in $$$ pay for plenty of political influence, way
> more than we can ever dream of having.
> I thus support Eric's motion: we need to move everything in-house, away
> from any political influence. Libraries are the natural place for that.

I patiently await Bjoern's or Eric's practical explanation of how libraries
are going to get researchers to provide OA.

(Till I hear, I'm sticking to Green OA mandates. And malign political
influence can be countered by benign. The publishing lobby has more money.
But there are far more of us researchers; and whereas our governments may
be susceptible to publisher lobbying, our funders are less so, and our
institutions still less so: and it's the latter two that do the mandating…)

Stevan Harnad
GOAL mailing list

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