Sally Morris wrote,

> At the risk (nay, certainty) of being pilloried by OA conformists, let me say
> that - whatever ithe failings of his article - I thank Jeffrey Beall for 
> raising
> some fundamental questions which are rarely, if ever, addressed.

I don't know if I'm an OA conformist (and I do know I'm not the caricatural OA 
advocate depicted in Beall's paper, and I'm a bit tired of these tags), but :

- I do think these are important questions that, contrary to what you suggest, 
have been discussed here and elswhere. They don't allow for simple answers, 

- I don't thank Beall to have raised them the way he did, because it won't make 
us progress on these issues. Worst, if Beall were to be taken seriously (which 
I doubt, but one never knows) it could do more harm to OA than the predatory 
publishers he rightly denounces.

- I won't pillory you, and I wish you a peaceful Christmas.

Marc Couture
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