<apologies for cross posting>

Seasons Greetings!

As we wind up towards the end of 2013, it is a good time to reflect on 
achievements during the inaugural year of the Australian Open Access Support 

This blog "AOASG in 2013: that was the year that was" 
discusses some of the highlights, achievements and surprises of our first year 
of operation. It has been a great year for open access and we are delighted to 
have been able to contribute to the debate and discussion.

Happy reading and enjoy the break.


Dr Danny Kingsley
Executive Officer
Australian Open Access Support Group
e: e...@aoasg.org.au<mailto:e...@aoasg.org.au>
p: +612 6125 6839
w: wwww.aoasg.org.au
t: @openaccess_oz

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