Dear all,

Apollogies for cross-posting.

This is an interesting initiative. Institutions subscribing to RSC Gold will 
have vouchers to exchange for free OA publishing for their authors.

With kind regards,

Miguel Navas Fernández

PhD Researcher
Universitat de Barcelona

De: Max Espley []
Enviat el: dijous, 20 / febrer / 2014 18:25
Per a:
Tema: Complimentary Open Access publishing for DFG consortium

The Royal Society of Chemistry is delighted to report an enhanced offering for 
all institutions involved in the DFG-RSC Gold licence agreement.  87 
institutions in Germany, plus all  Max Planck and Fraunhofer Institutes, are 
not only able to access the full range of RSC Journals, growing to 41 titles in 
2014, but will benefit collectively from more than 900 Gold for Gold voucher 
codes in 2014.

Relevant researchers will have the opportunity to publish Open Access free of 
charge using these voucher codes for the next three years in any of our 
journals. More information is available on our Gold for Gold website:

"The Alliance-RSC GOLD Licence agreement, negotiated with the Royal Society of 
Chemistry, is innovative. Not only does it offer our users easy access to all 
RSC journal content, but all participating institutions receive a certain 
quantity of Open Access (OA) vouchers with which their authors can publish OA 
free of charge in any RSC journal." Uwe Rosemann, Director German National 
Library of Science and Technology and University Library Hannover (TIB/UB), 

Max Espley
Royal Society of Chemistry

Max Espley
Marketing Manager - Librarians and Corporates

Royal Society of Chemistry
Thomas Graham House, Science Park,
Cambridge, CB4 0WF, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1223 432498, Fax: +44 (0) 1223 420247

RSC Gold subscribers receive voucher codes to publish Open Access free of 
charge; others can benefit from significant discounts. Find out more...


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