
I do think that country of publication is important, it could be related to 
academic research.

Have you tried contacting DOAJ? They use to be quite dilligent.

Miguel Navas-Fernández

PhD Researcher
Universitat de Barcelona

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Tema: GOAL Digest, Vol 28, Issue 16

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Question why journals in DOAJ are being listed        as
      'Australian' (Bosman, J.M.)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 13:44:22 +0000
From: "Bosman, J.M." <j.bos...@uu.nl>
Subject: [GOAL] Re: Question why journals in DOAJ are being listed      as
To: "'Global Open Access List (Successor of AmSci)'"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi Denny,

To me nationality of a journal is unimportant, not to say a useless concept (at 
least in assessing or using an online journal) . Ivyspring is a company 
registered in Australia and apparently has some sort of office in 1 market 
Street Sydney.  Some of its OA journals are included in JCR and Scopus, as well 
as PMC. The editorial boards of its journals are predominantly occupied by US 
affiliated researchers.


Jeroen Bosman, subject librarian Geography&Geoscience
Utrecht University Library<http://www.uu.nl/library>
email: j.bos...@uu.nl<mailto:j.bos...@uu.nl>
telephone: +31.30.2536613
mail: Postbus 80124, 3508 TC, Utrecht, The Netherlands
visiting address: room 2.50, Heidelberglaan 3. Utrecht
web: Jeroen 
twitter:@geolibrarianUBU / @jeroenbosman
profiles: : Academia<http://uu.academia.edu/JeroenBosman> / Google 
Scholar<http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-IfPy3IAAAAJ&hl=en> / 
ISNI<http://www.isni.org/0000000028810209> /
Mendeley<http://www.mendeley.com/profiles/jeroen-bosman/> / 
 / ORCID<http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5796-2727> / 
ResearchGate<http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jeroen_Bosman/> / 
Scopus<http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=7003519484> /  
Slideshare<http://www.slideshare.net/hierohiero> /  
VIAF<http://viaf.org/viaf/36099266/> /  
blogging at: I&M 2.0<http://im2punt0.wordpress.com/> / 
Trees say printing is a thing of the past

From: goal-boun...@eprints.org [mailto:goal-boun...@eprints.org] On Behalf Of 
Danny Kingsley
Sent: dinsdag 25 maart 2014 5:46
To: 'goal@eprints.org'
Subject: [GOAL] Question why journals in DOAJ are being listed as 'Australian'

Hello all,

I recently looked at the DOAJ list of Australian journals to determine how many 
Australian OA journals charge an APC. Of the list of 115 journals on the DOAJ, 
12 charge an APC.

However on investigation seven of these 12 do not appear to be Australian 
journals at all.

There is no definitive list of Australian OA journals - the AOASG page 
http://aoasg.org.au/open-access-in-action/australian-oa-journals/ lists 150  
(compared to the smaller DOAJ list) and before I investigated this it did not 
include the five genuinely OA Australian journals that charge an APC.

My questions are:

*         Does anyone know why these journals would be appearing on DOAJ as 

*         Five of them are published by Ivyspring International Publishers - 
does anyone know anything about this publisher?







Journal of Genomics<http://www.jgenomics.com/>

Ivyspring International Publisher

No publication charge during the current promotional period of this journal

Not published in Australia and only one Australian listed in the Editorial 


Ivyspring International Publisher


Not published in Australia and there are no Australians listed in the Editorial 

International Journal of Electronics, Engineering and Computer 

International Research Publication House


Not published in Australia and there are no Australians listed in the Editorial 

Asian Journal of Crop Science<http://scialert.net/current.php?issn=1994-7879>

Asian Network for Scientific Information


There is no direct website for the journal and it is difficult to determine the 
countries the Editorial Board come from

Journal of Cancer<http://www.jcancer.org/>

Ivyspring International Publisher


Not published in Australia and only one Australian listed in the Editorial 

International Journal of Biological Sciences<http://www.ijbs.com/>

Ivyspring International Publisher


Not published in Australia and only two Australians listed in the Editorial 

International Journal of Medical Sciences<http://www.medsci.org/>

Ivyspring International Publisher


Not published in Australia and only two Australians listed in the Editorial 

Dr Danny Kingsley
Executive Officer
Australian Open Access Support Group (AOASG)
Menzies Library, Building 2
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200 Australia

E: danny.kings...@anu.edu.au<mailto:danny.kings...@anu.edu.au>
P: +612 6125 6839
W: http://aoasg.org.au
T: @openaccess_oz

Cricos Provider - 00120C

NOTE: I work three days a week: Mondays (on campus), Tuesdays and Thursdays. I 
think about open access 24/7.

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