On Sep 1, 2014, at 11:19 AM, Stephen Downes <step...@downes.ca> wrote in

Some really important discussion here. In particular, I would argue (with
this article) that  the insistence on CC-by (which allows commercial reuse)
comes not from actual proponents of open access, but by commercial
publishers promoting their own interests. http://www.downes.ca/post/62708

Actually, it’s much more complicated than that:

(1) Journal publishers (both commercial and learned-society) have conflicts
of interest with Green OA -- both Gratis (free for all online) and Libre
(free for all online *plus* re-use rights, especially commercial re-use

(2) And, on top of that, there are impatient researchers militating
uncompromisingly for Libre OA in certain fields that would especially
benefit from Libre OA re-use rights.

(3) And there are the Gold OA publishers that want to promote their product
by lionizing the benefits of Libre OA and deprecating Gratis OA, whether
from author self-archiving (Gratis Green) or rival Gold OA  and hybrid
publishers (Gratis Gold).

(4) And often, alas, the library community, including SPARC, does not
understand either, and needlessly complicates things wtill further.

Let me simplify: Libre OA (free for all online *plus* re-use rights) is
Gratis OA (free for all online) PLUS re-use rights. Libre OA asks for MORE
than Gratis OA. Hence Libre OA faces far more obstacles than Gratis OA.

*Yet we are nowhere near having even Gratis OA yet:* Around 30% in most
fields, especially during the first 12 months of publication (mainly
because of publisher embargoes — on Gratis OA — but also because of
(groundless) author fears).

*That’s why Gratis Green OA mandates are urgently needed from institutions
and funders, worldwide.*

Once we have 100% Gratis Green OA globally, all the rest will come,
naturally (and quickly) of ots own accord: Fair-Gold OA and all the re-use
rights researchers want and need.

But as long as we keep fussing and focussing pre-emptively and prematurely
and compulsively on Libre OA re-use rights right now (and Fool’s Gold OA)
instead of first mandating (and getting) Gratis Green right now, we will
keep getting next to no OA at all, of either kind, as now.

And all it requires is a tiny bit of thought to see why this is so. (But
for some reason, many people prefer to fulminate instead, about the
relative virtues of Gratis vs Libre, Green vs Gold, and CC-BY vs
non-commercial CC-BY.)

Let’s hope that the institutions and funding agencies will get their acts
together soon. At least 20 years of OA have already been needlessly lost…


Stevan Harnad
Exceedingly Weary Archivangelist

*Sent:* September-01-14 8:20 AM
*To:* jisc-repositor...@jiscmail.ac.uk
*Subject:* The Open Access Interviews: Paul Royster, Coordinator of
Scholarly Communications, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Paul Royster is proud of what he has achieved with his institutional
repository. Currently, it contains 73,000 full-text items, of which more
than 60,000 are freely accessible to the world. This, says Royster, makes
it the second largest institutional repository in the US, and it receives
500,000 downloads per month, with around 30% of those going to
international users.

Unsurprisingly, Royster always assumed that he was in the vanguard of the
OA movement, and that fellow OA advocates attached considerable value to
the work he was doing.

All this changed in 2012, when he attended an open access meeting organised
by SPARC in Kansas City. At that meeting, he says, he was startled to hear
SPARC announce to delegates that henceforth the sine qua non of open access
is that a work has to be made available with a CC BY licence or equivalent

After the meeting Royster sought to clarify the situation with SPARC,
explaining the problems that its insistence on CC BY presented for
repository managers like him, since it is generally not possible to make
self-archived works available on a CC BY basis (not least because the
copyright will invariably have been assigned to a publisher).
Unfortunately, he says, his concerns fell on deaf ears.

The only conclusion Royster could reach is that the OA movement no longer
views what he is doing as open access. As he puts it, “[O]ur work in
promulgating Green OA (which normally does not convey re-use rights) and
our free-access publishing under non-exclusive permission-to-publish (i.e.,
non-CC) agreements was henceforth disqualified.”

If correct, what is striking here is the implication that institutional
repositories can no longer claim to be providing open access.

In fact, if one refers to the most frequently cited definitions of open
access one discovers that what SPARC told Royster would seem to be in
order. Although it was written before the Creative Commons licences were
released, for instance, the definition of open access authored by those who
launched the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) in 2001 clearly seems
to describe the same terms as those expressed in the CC BY licence.

What this means, of course, is that green OA does not meet the requirements
of the BOAI — even though BOAI cited green OA as one of its “complementary
strategies” for achieving open access.

Since most of the OA movement’s claimed successes are green successes this
is particularly ironic. But given this, is it not pure pedantry to worry
about what appears to be a logical inconsistency at the heart of the OA
movement? No, not in light of the growing insistence that only CC BY will
do. If nothing else, it is alienating some of the movement’s best allies —
people like Paul Royster for instance.

“I no longer call or think of myself as an advocate for ‘open access,’
since the specific definition of that term excludes most of what we do in
our repository,” says Royster. “I used to think the term meant ‘free to
access, download, and store without charge, registration, log-in, etc.,’
but I have been disabused of that notion.”

For that reason, he says, “My current attitude regarding OA is to step away
and leave it alone; it does some good, despite what I see as its feet of
clay. I am not ‘against’ it, but I don't feel inspired to promote a cause
that makes the repositories second-class members.”

How could this strange state of affairs have arisen? And why has it only
really become an issue now, over a decade after the BOAI definition was

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