On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 5:05 PM, Jean-Claude Guédon <
jean.claude.gue...@umontreal.ca> wrote:

We should all get behind the Dutch universities and tell them to stand
> firm, and tell them that we are going to do all that is possible to help
> them.
>  And the French should have done the same. This would have generated a
> spirit of resistance that would have quickly spread across Europe and
> beyond.
> Jean-Claude Guédon
I agree,
I have already tweeted my support.

It's cheaper to fly from Amsterdam to London (75 GBP) and back than read
two papers for 1 day from Elsevier. The Dutch could come and use our public
libraries for free ... and use the money for science.

This is not only costing money it's destroying chunks of science and other
scholarship. And destroying careers.

I have the honour of being asked to give an invited talk at OpenCon (
http://www.opencon2014.org/) (in Washington) where students and early
career researchers are discussing Open Access. I'm embarrased with our
generation's feeble attitude to Open Access and shall say so.The student
generation is angry with our legacy, and rightly. Unless we take massive
concerted action to fight - as the Dutch are starting to do, and in many
other ways - we shall have let them down.


Peter Murray-Rust
Reader in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dep. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
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