Hi Heather

A couple of comments to clarify your post on the SKC blog:

“Based on data gathered last year, it appears that article counts by
publication year by journal significantly under-represent the actual
journal content, and based on a more recent cursory search of DOAJ and
e-mail with DOAJ’s community manager Dom, it appears that a fairly recent
change in metadata harvesting at DOAJ has increased the disparity.”

Dom: When you say the actual journal content, I presume you mean the
journal article counts in DOAJ? In a way yes, this is under-represented but
actually what we are showing in DOAJ now is a truer picture of the data
than we were showing before. The greater disparity is because we no longer
include any noise in these figures. Where we can identify a correct Year
value, we include it in the count. When we can’t identify a Year value, we
ignore it. Unfortunately, we see publishers uploading all sorts of values
in the Year field: anything from typos (201, 2103, 2066 etc) to Roman

“If the publication numbers by year in DOAJ do not match your journal’s
publication numbers, check the DOAJ For Publishers page for information on
what to do next.”

Dom: this URL https://doaj.org/publishers#correct

“If you have any questions, please send them to DOAJ feedback. If you have
tips for other publishers to resolve this issue, feel free to add a comment
to this post. Feel free to add questions too, just note that I won’t be
able to help.”

Dom: Absolutely, do send us your questions: feedb...@doaj.org. In most
cases, we will ask publishers to re-upload their metadata with the correct
Year of Publication. DOAJ can’t correct this metadata for you. We have no
way of manually changing metadata or of knowing what the correct values
should be. If the full-text URLs of the articles that you are correcting
have not changed then there is no need to contact us first: you can simply
upload the new metadata.
Thanks to you and the SKC Team for a great blog!

Best, Dom
Community Manager
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