> I agree with Marc's comments but would add that authors need to know that 
> "use" includes commercial use (this includes for-sale and for-profit re-use), 
> and remix. 
> Re-use doesn't mean the kind of re-uses we like, it just means re-use. It 
> might mean a serious scholar re-using part of our work in their own highly 
> prestigious work - or it could mean a for-profit company taking a picture of 
> a research subject and using it in an ad. That's another form of commercial 
> re-use and re-mix.

Actually, they couldn't _necessarily_ do so. The coyright in a particular 
picture is separate from the personal rights of the model depicted. There's a 
good discussion of the US law on this here:


(sorry for the tinyurl, but it's a long URL and my mailer would munge it. 
It's a lawyer's personal blog rising.blackstar.com)

Professor Andrew A Adams                      a...@meiji.ac.jp
Professor at Graduate School of Business Administration,  and
Deputy Director of the Centre for Business Information Ethics
Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan       http://www.a-cubed.info/

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