On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 9:09 AM, Wilhelmina Randtke <rand...@gmail.com>

> Nope, this presentation doesn't mean that content is the only thing that
> matters.
> The presentation gives specific ways to ensure repository content is
> indexed in Google web search and in Google Scholar.  Some of this is for
> developers, but lots of it is easy for a non technical person to do - like
> making a sitemap available.  And, when something is easy to do in a popular
> repository platform, the presentation notes that - like hey there's a
> setting in Dspace to turn on a sitemap.
> Being easy to find matters and this has good info on that.  Has anyone out
> there not been asked by a faculty member whether stuff in the repository
> will show in Google Scholar?
> -Wilhelmina Randtke

Nope, I didn't say that (OA repository) content is the only thing that

But if the repository does not have the content, then content is indeed the
only thing that matters.

No matter how googleable your repository is, if it doesn't have the
content, it won't be googled.

Nope, the reason authors don't deposit their content is not because they
are afraid that it won't be googleable.

The reason is that (1) they don't understand OA, (2) they are afraid that
it might be illegal to deposit, and (3) they are lazy:

And yes, the only cure for this is effective OA mandates from the
institutions and funders.

Nope, that's not what the Anurag presentation was about (I didn't say it
was). Anurag's presentation was about how to make repository content more

I added the part that to make repository content googleable the content has
to be in the repository -- and effective mandates are the way to make sure
it is.

> On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 7:18 AM, Stevan Harnad <amscifo...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Most repository queries and referrals come from google scholar and google
>> users. So it is crucial to get repository contents well indexed by google.
>> Here are some tips from Google Scholar's Anurag Acharya:
>> http://www.or2015.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/or-2015-anurag-google-scholar.pdf
>> This is a good occasion to repeat also an important fact about Open
>> Access Repositories:
>> OA Repositories' problem is not lack of searchability or of indexability
>> or of search/index tools and services.
>> Their problem is *lack of OA content.*
>> The cure is *effective OA mandates* -- not waiting for better
>> search/index tools.
>> Vincent-Lamarre, Philippe, Boivin, Jade, Gargouri, Yassine, Larivière,
>> Vincent and Harnad, Stevan (2015) Estimating Open Access Mandate
>> Effectiveness: I. The MELIBEA Score. <http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/370203/> 
>> in press) http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/370203/
>> Swan, Alma; Gargouri, Yassine; Hunt, Megan; & Harnad, Stevan (2015) *Open
>> Access Policy: Numbers, Analysis, Effectiveness*. Pasteur4OA Workpackage
>> 3 Report. http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/375854/
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