Call for Papers – Data Science Journal
The Data Science Journal is a peer-reviewed, open access, electronic journal 
dedicated to the advancement of data science and its application in policies, 
practices and management of Open Data.
We are currently soliciting submissions for papers on a wide range of data 
science topics, across the whole range of computational, natural and social 
science, and the humanities. The scope of the journal includes descriptions of 
data systems, their implementations and their publication, applications, 
infrastructures, software, legal, reproducibility and transparency issues, the 
availability and usability of complex datasets, and with a particular focus on 
the principles, policies and practices for data.
All data is in scope, whether born digital or converted from other sources, and 
all research disciplines are covered. Data is a cross-domain, cross-discipline 
topic, with common issues, regardless of the domain it serves. The Data Science 
Journal publishes a variety of article types (research papers, practice papers, 
review articles and essays). The Data Science Journal also publishes data 
articles, describing datasets or data compilations, if the potential for reuse 
of the data is significant or if considerable efforts were required in 
compilation. Similarly, the Data Science Journal also publishes descriptions of 
online simulation, database, and other experiments, partnering with digital 
repositories on ‘meta articles’ or ‘overlay articles’, which link to and allow 
visualisation of the data, thereby adding an entirely new dimension to the 
communication and exchange of data research results and educational materials.
For further information, and to submit a manuscript, please visit <>
Dr Danny Kingsley
Head of Scholarly Communications
Cambridge University Library
West Road, Cambridge CB39DR
P: +44 (0) 1223 747 437
M: +44 (0) 7711 500 564
T: @dannykay68
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3636-5939

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