HEFCE maintains that this issue is addressed and resolved in their FAQ
(5.1). See here: https://twitter.com/ersatzben/status/669920110849708032


I wonder if others agree?


Richard Poynder



From: goal-boun...@eprints.org [mailto:goal-boun...@eprints.org] On Behalf
Of Clement-Stoneham Geraldine
Sent: 26 November 2015 13:21
To: goal@eprints.org
Subject: [GOAL] Re: Instistence by researchers that we do not make metadata




Some journals like to control the way information is being published about
new papers, and therefore impose a strict press embargo period (another
embargo, nothing to do with green OA embargo period). This sometime referred
to as the "Ingelfinger rule"


All of this is well orchestrated, with a press pack made available so that
coverage is reflecting accurately the research, and is advertised to authors
as the added value offered by the publishers if they chose to submit their
paper to them. This explains why you often see papers published in Nature,
or Science, all making the headlines of daily press on the same day. The
downside of course is that they do act as "gagging orders", which can make
it tricky for researchers to talk about their research once the paper has
been accepted, but not yet published (which can go for weeks/months).


One of the issues with the HEFCE requirement to add article metadata to a
repository at the acceptance stage, was that this could inadvertently breach
such publishers' embargo by release some (even if not much) information
about the paper ahead of time. I believe this is what your researcher is
concerned about. I am not sure that at this stage there is a way around it,
but it would deserve a wider conversation. Less traditional journals such as
eLife have deliberately done away with such embargo, and indeed encourage
authors to discuss their research as soon as they wish, which seems to be
better aligned with "open science" principles.


You'll find more details for the journal you named here






and eLife's policy



Best wishes




Geraldine Clement-Stoneham

Knowledge and Information Manager

Medical Research Council

Tel: +44 (0) 207 395 2272

Mobile: +44 79 00 136 319





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