On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 6:52 AM, Danny Kingsley <da...@cam.ac.uk> wrote:

> <Apologies for cross positing>
> Hello all,
> A new Unlocking Research blog published today “ Could the HEFCE policy be
> a Trojan Horse for gold OA?” -
> https://unlockingresearch.blog.lib.cam.ac.uk/?p=488 is arguing that
> changes to the HEFCE policy are moving it from a green policy towards a
> gold one.

*Defending Green Turf*

There's no second-guessing human nature. And it's a no-brainer to guess
that publishers will do all they can to circumvent the HEFCE/REF
immediate-Green policy to steer it toward Gold and Hybrid-Gold.

But here are a few defensive strategies that could help:

1. The authors are the ones who know first when their papers are accepted:
Implement a database of dated acceptance letters at the departmental level.

2. Do a REF rank-order exercise (not a "top four" exercise) every year,
consisting of an author-ranked list of that year's publications, by order
of likelihood of submitting for REF, together with acceptance date and
publication date. Store and display that list permanently and publicly in
the institutional repository as REF count-down, highlighting what risks
being ineligible. (HEFCE will be accommodating; its goals are the right
ones, and where temporary flexibility helps guide academic practice and
culture toward the goal of Green rather than Fool's Gold, they will provide

3. Do a monthly SCOPUS and WoS search for institutional published papers
and follow up on all missing papers (perhaps at the departmental level
rather than the library level -- wherever it is more effective).

4. Provide no funding for Gold or Hybrid-Gold.

> A teaser:
> **************************
> The HEFCE Policy for open access in the post-2014 Research Excellence
> Framework <http://www.hefce.ac.uk/pubs/year/2014/201407/> kicks in 9
> weeks from now. The policy states that, to be eligible for submission to
> the post-2014 REF, authors’ final peer-reviewed manuscripts of journal
> articles and conference proceedings with an ISSN must have been deposited
> in an institutional or subject repository on acceptance for publication.
> Deposited material should be discoverable, and free to read and download,
> for anyone with an internet connection.
> The *goal* of the policy is to ensure that publicly funded (by HEFCE)
> research is publicly available. The *means* HEFCE have chosen to favour
> is the green route – by putting the AAM into a repository. This does not
> involve any payment to the publishers. The *timing *of the policy – at
> acceptance – is to give us the best chance of obtaining the author’s
> accepted manuscript (AAM) before it is deleted, forgotten or lost by the
> author. <snip>
> ***************************
> Enjoy!
> Danny
> Dr Danny Kingsley
> Head of Scholarly Communications
> Cambridge University Library
> West Road, Cambridge CB39DR
> P: +44 (0) 1223 747 437
> M: +44 (0) 7711 500 564
> E: da...@cam.ac.uk
> T: @dannykay68
> ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3636-5939
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