Please can the Elsevier poster of this announcement define exactly (in
operational terms, not marketing fluff) what is meant by "openaccess" .
When I visit the SSRN site I find it is a walled garden with the message:
What Happened?

We have observed an unusual download pattern.

The reason why this might happen:

   - Accessing through a proxy server
   - Having problems downloading a paper
   - Accidentally downloading a paper too frequently

Please consider signing in or creating a free account. You can continue
downloading this paper and you will no longer see this page. It also helps
us track reader interest and provide accurate download counts to our
authors and readers.
This seems standard for other visitors who have tried to download even a
single paper. My interpretation is that Elsevier (because SSRN and Bepress
are now Elsevier) want to monitor and control readers in a walled garden.
Unless I am reliably informed otherwise I expect that Elsevier will track
all my actions on the site (monitor), probably report them to third
parties, form data products out of my actions (monitoring) and also provide
a nonobjective set of search results based on whatever Elsevier wants to
promote (this is common in walled gardens).

Could the Product Marketing Manager inform this list precisely:
* whether visitors can use SSRN/Bepress anonymously without registering?
* what the explicit licence is on the articles (e.g. CC BY)
* whether text and data mining is allowed without Elsevier' permission

The answers to all these questions can be single words. If they are not
(YES, CC-BY, YES) then I do not regard this as Open Access


On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 7:11 PM, Chatterji, Promita (ELS-BKY) <> wrote:

> ** apologies for cross-posting**
> bepress and SSRN Announce Integration Pilot with Columbia and University
> of Georgia Law Schools
> Bepress
> <http://bepress%20and%20SSRN%20Announce%20Integration%20Pilot%20with%20Columbia%20and%20University%20of%20Georgia%20Law%20Schools>
> and SSRN <> are pleased to announce a joint pilot
> to explore integration between their two platforms. The four-month pilot
> launches today with the participation of Columbia Law School’s Arthur W.
> Diamond Law Library and University of Georgia School of Law’s Library.
> Both bepress and SSRN are eager to explore potential solutions to the
> obstacles that professional schools and their libraries face in promoting
> their open access scholarship. The initial pilot offers one possible model
> for demonstrating the increased reach of legal scholarship when work is
> available through an open access repository as well as a specialized
> network of peers, by simplifying population of and aggregating research
> impact from both platforms.
> “We are incredibly excited to launch this project,” stated Jean-Gabriel
> Bankier, Managing Director at bepress. “It is the first step in our vision
> to work together with others in the Elsevier ecosystem in order to better
> support our community with their open access initiatives.” Columbia Law
> School Library Director Kent McKeever noted, “this is exactly the kind of
> synergy that I was hoping to see now that both products are under the
> Elsevier umbrella.” With Elsevier’s acquisition of bepress in August 2017,
> both platforms are now part of the Elsevier portfolio.
> One goal of the pilot is to support open access initiatives by helping
> libraries quickly populate their institutional repositories. SSRN and
> bepress will explore ways to easily transfer research articles, enabling
> this scholarship to become part of an institution’s open access
> collections. “Integrating these two platforms will reduce some of the
> hurdles to making law faculties’ scholarship freely available through open
> access,” states Carol Watson, Director of the Law Library at the University
> of Georgia.
> The pilot also tests potential benefits for authors. Bankier states, “we
> believe that authors should be able to get credit for their readership,
> regardless of whether an article is downloaded from bepress’s Digital
> Commons or SSRN.” As Watson puts it, the integration will lead to a “more
> accurate assessment of the true impact of their legal scholarship” by
> harnessing the discovery power that is at the heart of both platforms. SSRN
> and bepress are leading names in the law scholarship, with thousands of
> authors
> --
> Promita Chatterji
> Product Marketing Manager
> bepress
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> GOAL mailing list

Peter Murray-Rust
Reader Emeritus in Molecular Informatics
Unilever Centre, Dept. Of Chemistry
University of Cambridge
GOAL mailing list

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