Yes, but you have to start somewhere!


There is a quote out there (whether accurate or not) that if Henry Ford had
asked his customers what they wanted, they would have asked for a faster
horse. Who would ever have thought of a self-driving car, or even a flying
car… well, many, actually – and they made it happen!


My point is that you have no idea what an exercise of this manner will spin
off as a result of the effort – that is why it is called “research”. The
goal is a lofty one, but there will be huge wins in scientific language AI
along the way. Who knows, it may be necessary for multi-year journeys for
lay-person trips to Mars, if something goes wrong with the spaceship along
the way (communication delays will be prohibitive to effect any value from
Earth; AI will be required for local support).








Donald Samulack, PhD

President, U.S. Operations

Cactus Communications, Inc.

Editage, a division of Cactus Communications



From: [] On Behalf
Of Heather Morrison
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2018 1:49 PM
To: Global Open Access List (Successor of AmSci) <>
Subject: [GOAL] Why translating all scholarly knowledge for non-specialists
using AI is complicated


On July 10 Jason Priem wrote about the AI-powered systems "that help explain
and contextualize articles, providing concept maps, automated plain-language
translations"... that are part of his project's plan to develop a scholarly
search engine aimed at a nonspecialist audience. The full post is available


We share the goal of making all of the world's knowledge available to
everyone without restriction, and I agree that reducing the conceptual
barrier for the reader is a laudable goal. However, I think it is important
to avoid underestimating the size of this challenge and potential for
serious problems to arise. Two factors to consider: the current state of AI,
and the conceptual challenges of assessing the validity of automated
plain-language translations of scholarly works.


Current state of AI - a few recent examples of the current status of AI:


Vincent, J. (2016). Twitter taught Microsoft's AI chatbot to be a racist
asshole in less than a day. The verge. 


Wong, J. (2018). Amazon working to fix Alexa after users report bursts of
'creepy' laughter. The Guardian

Meyer, M. (2018). Google should have thought about Duplex's ethical issues
before showing it off. Fortune


Quote from Meyer:  

As prominent sociologist Zeynep Tufekci put it
<> : “Google Assistant
making calls pretending to be human not only without disclosing that it’s a
bot, but adding ‘ummm’ and ‘aaah’ to deceive the human on the other end with
the room cheering it… horrifying. Silicon Valley is ethically lost,
rudderless and has not learned a thing.”


These early instances of AI applications involve the automation of
relatively simple, repetitive tasks. According to Amazon, "Echo and other
Alexa devices let you instantly connect to Alexa to play music, control your
smart home, get information, news, weather, and more using just your voice".
This is voice to text translation software that lets users speak to their
computers instead of using keystrokes. Google's Duplex demonstration is a
robot dialing a restaurant to make a dinner reservation. 


Translating scholarly knowledge into simple plain text so that everyone can
understand it is a lot more complicated, with the degree of complexity
depending on the area of research. Some research in education or public
policy might be relatively easy to translate. In other areas, articles are
written for an expert audience that is assumed to have spent decades
acquiring a basic knowledge in a discipline. It is not clear to me that it
is even possible to explain advanced concepts to a non-specialist audience
without first developing a conceptual progression. 


Assessing the accuracy and appropriateness of a plain-text translation of a
scholarly work intended for a non-specialist audience requires expert
understanding of the work and thoughtful understanding of the potential for
misunderstandings that could arise. For example, I have never studied
physics. I looked at an automated plain-language translation of a physics
text I would have no means of assessing whether the translation was accurate
or not. I do understand enough medical terminology, scientific and medical
research methods to read medical articles and would have some idea if a
plain-text translation was accurate. However, I have never worked as a
health care practitioner or health care translation researcher, so would not
be qualified to assess the work from the perspective of whether the
translation could be mis-read by patients (or some patients).


In summary, Jason and I share the goal of making all of our scholarly
knowledge accessible to everyone, specialists and non-specialists alike.
However, in the process of developing tools to accomplish this it is
important to understand the size and nature of the challenge and the
potential for serious unforeseen consequences. AI is in very early stages.
Machines are beginning to learn on their own, but what they are learning is
not necessarily what we expected or wanted them to learn, and the impact on
humans has been described using words like 'creepy', 'horrifying', and
'unethical'. The task of translating complex scholarly knowledge for a
non-specialist knowledge and assessing the validity and appropriateness of
the translations is a huge challenge. If this is not understood and plans
made to conduct rigorous research on the validity of such translations, the
result could be widespread dissemination of incorrect translations. 




Heather Morrison

Associate Professor, School of Information Studies, University of Ottawa

Professeur Agrégé, École des Sciences de l'Information, Université d'Ottawa <>

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