Scientific Knowledge Services and the library at TU Wien (Vienna University of 
Technology) are pleased to announce the following event:

2018 Focus On Open Science, Vienna
When: November 16th 2018 (9am - 4:15pm, followed by a networking reception)
Where: TU Wien, TUtheSky, Getreidemarkt 9, 11th floor, 1060 Vienna, Austria

Open Science describes the current transition in how research is undertaken, 
how the outputs are stored and disseminated, how researchers collaborate, how 
success is measured and how researchers are rewarded for open approaches.

In the Vienna chapter, a focus will be placed on research data management 
(RDM), 'FAIR data' and open access, and on the (cultural change) processes and 
infrastructures needed at the institutional and community level in order to 
support a transition to Open Science.

Universities and research communities are experimenting with different aspects 
of Open Science, building and using new infrastructures or tackling the most 
purposeful and sustainable ways to put into practice funders' requirements in 
relation to open-access publications or 'FAIR research data'. Knowing current 
developments is essential both for researchers and support staff, as is the 
collaboration of these two groups. The practice-oriented workshop at TU Wien 
aims to provide a learning experience and platform for future collaboration, 
bringing together researchers and support staff (library, research support, 
funders). While relevant to all fields, we aim to make particular references to 
the spectrum of disciplinary and interdisciplinary fields as usually covered by 
universities/faculties/departments of science and technology (from engineering 
to computer science to architecture).

We cordially invite you to enter into a discussion about your needs and 
questions, requirements and concerns, the state of play and next steps in Open 
Science. Local and international speakers will provide overviews on European 
and local developments (new infrastructures, funders' policies, RDM in 
practice, etc.). A poster exhibition (informal and open for everyone to share 
experiences) and late-afternoon networking reception in our beautiful location 
will round off the event.

Speakers: Dr. Paus Ayris, UCL and lead author of the 2018 League of European 
Research Universities (LERU) paper 'Open Science and its role in universities' 
| Prof. Dr. Andreas Rauber, TU Wien and co-chair of Research Data Alliance 
(RDA) Austria, founded in 2017 | Dr. Shalini Kurapati, RDM expert and data 
steward at TU Delft (Delft University of Technology)| Welcome by Prof. Dr. 
Johannes Fröhlich, Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, TU Wien | and many 

Further information and registration:

Kind regards,
Magdalena Andrae

Magdalena Andrae
TU Wien
Resselgasse 4, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43 1 58801-44067<>

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