Hi all,

Just to share a new paper in PLOS Comp Bio which gives a how-to summary of easy 
steps researchers can take to disseminate their work in novel and engaging ways 
to boost their impact.

Ross-Hellauer T, Tennant JP, Banelytė V, Gorogh E, Luzi D, Kraker P, et al. 
(2020) Ten simple rules for innovative dissemination of research. PLoS Comput 
Biol 16(4): e1007704.

Hopefully of practical use to researchers and research students!

Have a great weekend, Tony

Dr. Tony Ross-Hellauer
Group Leader – Open and Reproducible Research 
Group<https://www.tugraz.at/institute/isds/research/groups/orrg/>, TU Graz
Senior Researcher (Open Science) – Know-Center GmbH
Project Coordinator (PI) ON-MERRIT<https://on-merrit.eu/>
Editor-in-Chief Publications<http://www.mdpi.com/journal/publications/> (ISSN 
Phone +43-316-873-32800 Fax +43-316-873-1030815
tr...@know-center.at<mailto:tr...@know-center.at> / 

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