# Don't just read the news... discuss it. Learn more about Goa via Goanet#
# Goanet is a 10-year-old network launched by Herman Carneiro in 1994.   #
# See all archives http://news.gmane.org/gmane.culture.region.india.goa/ #
# To join, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask to join GoanetDigest.     #

####### G o a I n C y b e r S p a c e  VOL 1 NO 2 SEPT 18, 2004 ######

[] WANT TO GET news updates from Google each day? Check below:
* Create a "Goa" Google Alert: http://www.google.com/alerts?hl=en
* Try Google News: http://news.google.com/
There are problems with this service though. News updates coming from
http://www.goacom.com/news is incorrectly credited to Goa Today! And, only a
few Goa-based news sources are currently archived. You do get some useful
links sometimes though.

        [] MARY'S CHILLIES: That's the name of the newest alumni network
        sought to be set up in Cyberspace. Check out the fledging site at
        http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stmarysgirlsmapusa/ Needed volunteers
        to run and (wo)man this list. Arlette Azavedo took the initiative on
        this front.  To join, send a blank email to

[] GOA... ON RYZE.COM: From Aaron Lobo, herpetologist (with a special
interest in the conservation biology of snakes and sea snakes)... to
computer consultant Wilson Pascoal Colaco. They're part of the nearly
five-dozen Goa-linked individuals aboard the networking site
http://www.ryze.com Check this out, enter your links, and go ahead and
network. http://www.ryze.com/search.php?ffirstname=&flastname=&fcompany=&ftitle=&searchryze=1&findustry=&finterests=&searchcontacts=1&fhomecity=&funiversity=&booltype=AND&fhomestate=Goa&fhomecountry=&isform=Find+People

[] ALDONA-NET has been reporting the "informal inauguration" of a new bridge
linking the historic island of Corjuvem.

        But there was some skepticism. Will this be a lasting bridge? Or
        will it face problems like the Mandovi-I bridge (and, according to
        local reports) the fast-to-crumble new Ribandar bridge, which
        reportedly showed problems within 48 hours of launch?

Zuz Mari wrote on Aldona-Net: "It was a dream of our forefathers to see a
bridge across and we are lucky to see it happen. We can now get over that
lousy "ferryboat mentality" which was haunting us all this years."

To join Aldona-Net, visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aldona-net or send a
blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] This list is primarily
meant for people linked to Aldona. There are other village and
general-purpose lists (Goanet, Calangutenet, various alumni, etc) meant for
wider/other purposes. Check which one fits your needs.

        [] GOA CHURCH GOES ONLINE: Journalist Melvyn S Misquita, Assistant
        Chief of News Bureau at the Herald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> informs that
        The Archdiocese of Goa and Daman has launched its official website
        (http://www.archgoadaman.org).  Says he: "Besides covering various
        issues pertaining to the Archdiocese in Goa and Daman, the website
        also features a special section on the Exposition of the Sacred
        Relics of St Francis Xavier, which is to take place between November
        21 and January 2, 2005." Melvyn's request is to pass on this
        information to others -- relatives, friends, parishes and Catholic
        institutions -- to facilitate maximum coverage.

[] ARE YOU, OR WERE YOU, A journalist in/from Goa? If so, do join this
mailing list Goajourno mailing list --
http://puggy.symonds.net/mailman/listinfo/goajourno Like other specilialist lists, this is a closed-membership one, open to
those who are part of the group. Address to post [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[] BAZEE.COM is the Indian equivalent of an Ebay. There are some 109
Goa-linked 'items' for sale. Mostly holidays, stays in hotels, etc.
97 items related to travel, 7 to real estate, 3 are linked to stamps,
first-day-covers and envelopes, 1 to CDroms, and 1 to movies.
See http://www.baazee.com/jsp/TradeSearch.jsp and search for GOA.

        [] BELGAUM, ANYONE? Did you know a Leslie D'Souza who was a
        brilliant student in the Class of 1970-71? The Paulites
        mailing list, for all ex-students of St Paul's in Belgaum
        (including many Africanders who studied there) is open to
        all such debates. Sign on at

        Vivian "Shenzi" (Class of 1956) [EMAIL PROTECTED] recently wrote in
        to remind the list that 2006 -- the 150th anniversary of St Paul's
        -- is just "around the corner". Said he: "Most of us are proud to be
        Paulites, and proud of the school that gave us our foundation in
        life.  God willing, I will be there." He was replying to Dr Collin
        Louzado (1956). They even have a Goa band in attendance for
        that special day in December 2006, when past pupils will attend
        the school assembly, walk around the school, take photographs,
        and even have the gumption to challenge schoolboys in hockey!

[] MANDO, ET AL: Richard Cabral <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes in to say:
"On behalf of Goa Cultural and Social Centre I would kindly like to rquest
you to help us out in two ways. You are I'm sure fully aware that this
Centre has been doing commendable work having been established in 1971 and
till date has been organising the popular Mando Festivals.  It is a pity
that this organisation till today has not been able to have their own
premises. Now the general body has decided to buy some premises preferably
in the heart of the city. Hence the need for some funds. Since a lot of
Goanetters have been talking of preserving our culture and might be willing
to help in this regard, could you please post this request on Goanet?
Secondly GCSC is also interested in hosting a website. Can u please guide?"

        [] GOA'S ACTIVE FILM CLUB, MOVING IMAGES sent in a note that comes
        from its enthusiastic and helpful founders Salil and Gatyri Konkar.
        It says:

        "Thank you for the overwhelming response to our membership drive.
        All our regular film screenings are now restricted to members only,
        in accordance with the copyright and censorship rules for public
        screening of films."

        "Membership forms can also be downloaded from our website
        http://www.moviesgoa.org If you have any questions you need answered
        email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call at 2464376 (8-10am)."

        The Konkars have aptly demonstrated how the Net can be deployed to
        build and publicise real-life activity back in Goa. Check out

        [COMMENT: The censorship of films in India is an unfortunate
        reality. Film-makers in Delhi, Mumbai and elsewhere are
        currently campaigning against it!]

[] JULIAN GONSALVES, PhD: Whenever he returns to the land of his ancestors,
Goa, Julian Gonsalves, Ph.D, lives in his house behind St.Sebastian Church
(popularly known as the 'Pandava Chapel' because of the ancient cave nearby)
at Aquem-Margao,. He has been based in the Philippines for the last two
decades and moves round the globe helping create livelihoods for the poor
from all over the third world. Read Alexyz's article on Dr Gonsalves on
Goanet at http://news.gmane.org/gmane.culture.region.india.goa To get these
postings direct in your mailbox, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and request her
to add you to GoanetDigest.

        [] YEARS BACK, we spoke of the Goa Schools Computers Project.  Now,
        it has morphed into the Knowledge Initiatives Trust.  If you would
        like to support the cause of community-supported education in Goa,
        contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Daryl Martyris
        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to find out how you could get involved/help.

[] GOA DESC RESOURCE CENTRE: Check the resources of this documentation
centre located at 11 Liberty Apts., Feira Alta, Mapusa, Goa 403 507 Tel:
2252660. If you can't physically reach there, simply email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit http://www.goadesc.org Their goal: "Working
On Issues Of Development & Democracy". Their Goa consumers network is also
available at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goacan/

        [] FROM A BRITTO BOY: Miguel "Michael" Braganza (Class of 1976) had
        this to say, " The best part of our lives we spent at St.Britto's HS
        with its motto 'Deeds, not Words'. By introducing a fellow Britto
        boy to Britto Net, you can do a good deed with words. Britto boys
        who are already on the net can post a little about what they do so
        that others who know them have the joy of knowing where their class
        mates and friends are and what they are doing. Some Britto boys have
        met at the grand BMX 2004 Reuninion in Toronto in July last. We are
        looking forward to a meet in the home base, Mapusa, in a few years
        time. Keep in touch. Let the bonds strengthen."

Computers in Vasco da Gama had this to say: "This is what we definitely
needed for Vasco. I congratulate those who took the initiative.... I look
forward to discussing some important issues relevant to Vasco." To join this
network send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes, "Hi,my name is Margarida ,I am
        portuguese,born in Lisbon .I live in Los nAngeles,U.S. my gran
        grandmother was born in Calangute... she moved to Inhambane or
        Kelimbane,in Africa and got married with my grand grandfather. They
        both moved to Lisbon...her name was Carolina Augusta Pinto dos
        Anjos. Can someone help me to find if I have family in Goa or
        somewhere else in India? Thank you so ,so much."

brighter side there's Jazzgoa, a new organisation in Goa (India's music
capital) that's all set to take over from where jazzindia leaves off. please
visit http://www.jazzgoa.com to know more about this organisation in Goa."

[] FRANKEY FERNANDES  [EMAIL PROTECTED] says he's in the process
of compiling a list of musicians of yesteryears who played music since the
early 70s and still continue to play not at a professional level but for
social gathering. With a focus on Vasco da Gama. Says he: "So far I managed
to get in only 16 names of legends. Everyone will agree with me for sure
when I say gone are the days when dances and parties began late at night and
ended up only after sunrise. (Now you find Goan police coming to abruptly
stop music even at 10 pm.) I am equally sure when I say gone is that great
live music which is now replaced by modern programmed computer chip music."
On Frankey's current list are Walter Almeida, guitar (Four Seasons), Francis
Gurjao drums (Four Seasons), Assis Lobo, bass guitar (Four Seasons), Tony
Alphonso, guitar (Four Seasons, Kuwait), Mickey Mascarenhas (Four Seasons),
Agnelo D'Souza, bass guitar (Chocolate Highways), Lynton Barretto drums
(Chocolate Highway), Xixto Paes percussion (Links), Terry D'Mello lead
guitar (Lynx), Nayantara Lima Leitao guitar, Madeline Pereira keyboards,
Muriel Alphonso keyboards (Kuwait), Dilip (guitar, Chocolate Highways),
Milton Barretto guitar, Isidorio Fernandes (Bar Albert/drums), and Allan
from Mangor (Chocolate Highway).

        [] WILDLIFE: Listowner Clinton Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        introduces a new list: GreenGoa is a place on the net where ordinary
        people who care for Goa's envrionment meet and talk, discuss and
        learn from each other and get closer in achieving the long term goal
        of keeping Goa Green, and Clean by recycling, fighting pollution,
        raising awareness and teaching others to help protect our
        envronment.  To have a look at the mailinglist site, go to

        Nirmal Kulkarni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> suggested that the
        group should have some priorities: 1.It should not only be a
        discussion group but a group that takes up issues and acts on them
        in a manner that reflects the groups ideology. 2.The group could
        share not only experiences but also scientific data as we in Goa are
        sometimes what we call romantic environmentalists and thus do not
        get into deep ecology which is the need of the hour. 3. Green Goa
        can start by documenting Goa's wild habitats in a systematic manner
        which is easily accesible to its members and can thus try and
        monitor these habitats. 4. Last but not the least, Green Goa should
        not remain yet another yahoo group but should get into serious
        conservation initiatives from the very beginning."

[] BOMBAY, AND THE KUDDS: "After some time due to lot of employment in the
bangalows, they arrived in Bombay but our brethren had no place to stay.
They also thought of bringing their relatives to employ them in Bombay. The
number of the warders began to increase, therefore it became imperative to
have a big house. After much search they got a big house in Cavel Street and
they named it as Santa Anna Club," -- Fr Nascimento Mascarenhas
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> narrating the story of one of the Saligao kudds in
Bombay. It was set up around 1850. Check out more Saligao-related postings
on http://groups.yahoo.com/group/saligaonet

        [] GETTING A VISA, AND THE NEW DIASPORA: Says Dr Eddie D'Sa, "For a
        westerner, getting a visiting visa to anywhere, say India, is a
        routine matter. But the opposite is not true. An intending Indian
        visitor to Britain must have a sponsor in Britain who will vouch for
        his maintenance costs and the Indian must travel to the nearest city
        to be interviewed by a minor consular official who can grill him/her
        thoroughly before agreeing to issue a visa. Westerners are even
        allowed to buy property and settle in Goa or elsewhere. They will
        probably mix with fellow Brits but hardly with the locals. The Brits
        may be conned but are treated with respect, possibly reverence."
        For an interesting list dealing with critical issues,
        visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NewDiaspora/

[] REC.TRAVEL.ASIA is a Usenet newsgroup that does have the occasional
reference to Goa. You can locate it via http://groups.google.com See tjhe posting below on a thread titled 'Goa advice sought urgently'.

ENDS AND OVER. If you like this list, tell your friends that there's another
reason to subscribe to GoanetDigest/Goanet-News. If you don't like it or
find it boring, tell us how to improve it. Better still, volunteer yourself.
Feedback, brickbats etc to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Comments, brickbats and
feedback can also be posted on to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Frederick Noronha (FN)    Near Convent, SALIGAO 403511 GOA India
Freelance Journalist      Tel: +91-832-2409490 MOBILE: 9822122436
http://fn.swiki.net       (FN's swiki)
http://www.livejournal.com/users/goalinks (GoaLinks Blog)

Goa's premier mailing list Goanet - http://www.goanet.org is 10 years old today

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