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By Jan Ugahi Team

        Lazinni Georgio, 56, arrested by the Colva police, on charges of
        raping a minor girl, has been remanded to 10 days' police custody on
        November 21. (Gomantak Times, November 22, 2004)

Giorgio Lazzini's has been reported as just another child sexual abuse case. 
But, to us, who have been tracking his moves for nearly two years, he is a
professional tourist paedophile who projects the facade of a businessman but
infact is a brutish paedophile. He probably holds a business visa (or else
how could he operate a fishing boat business?) which has become a licence
for him to prey around like a wolf in sheep's clothing devouring vulnerable
child victims and violating their innocence and dignity. 

Even Ringleman and others did similar things -- get hold of a business visa
and assume the licence to do their heinous deeds. 

Lazzini's 20 year old maid and abettor has been with him for 10 years. 
Surely she is one of those violated victims who has turned procurer today
like others before her. 

His interests are clear. His maid of 20 years is past her age to satisfy his
carnal desires. He wants younger children to satisfy his lust and uses his
maid to procure them for him. Again, a common modus operandi of paedophiles.
We are aware of other paedophiles who have local contacts and brokers, some
of whom were their previous victims or partners and use them to procure
their child victims. 

The modus operandi of these professional paedophiles provides enough
substance for consideration for the public at large and the State in
particular. How is it that business visas are provided to these hoodlums
without properly ascertaining their credentials?  Who are those colluding
with and abetting these paedophiles in helping them establish themselves? It
would be very important at this stage to investigate all the connections and
networks of Lazzini and others like him so as to prevent other children from
being desecrated. Or are we going to treat every case of abuse as an
isolated case and forget that a larger paedophilia issue is howering over
Goa with a whole support network that allows them to operate? 

Medical evidence is stongly corroborating the case of the complainant and
therefore by itself favouring the prosecution of paedophile Giorgio Lazzini.
That is because Jan Ugahi acted fast in getting the girl to disclose all the
happenings and proceeded with the case immediately with the police, medical
examination et al. 

What also helped us was our approach of sensitizing the poor vulnerable
children about sexual abuse, how to prevent and report matters when they are
under threat or abused. It was this awareness that brought the girl to Jan
Ugahi to report the happenings. 

While in the above case the medical evidence is corroborative, questions
needs to be raised: What if the medical evidence is destroyed or
unavailable? Should the culprit be allowed to go scot free as has happened
in other cases, such as that of Middleton Colin John? 

In the case of Middleton Colin John, which we pursued earlier, there was no
medical evidence available but there were other strong prima facie and
circumstancial evidences that would have corroborated the case if the police
really had the will. This included the the fact that Middleton Colin John
was with three minor boys whom he had trafficked from Nepal; that he
operated under a dual-identity Middleton Colin John in the passport and
Steven King in Bank of India account at its Margao branch; having
convictions and serving sentences in New Zealand for sodomy; the presence of
Avison Paul, a suspected paedophile, in Middleton Colin John's hotel room
and his bag kept in the room of the boys implying that he was going to park
with the boys for the night and so on. 

Other events related below will also corroborate the lackadaisical attitude
of the Goa police in handling the case of paedophile Middleton Colin John.
Middleton Colin John was granted conditional bail on March 22, 2001 and not
permitted to leave the country. On August 6, 2001 he moved the court for the
release of his passport which was first not granted as Jan Ugahi intervened,
but later he appealed before the Sessions Court and an order was passed for
release of passport. 

We had then demanded that the case be transferred to CID (Criminal
Investigation Department) Crime Branch as the investigations were as good as
suspended for reasons best known to the police. Our demand was accepted and
NGOs were being taken into confidence. But while talks were on, we were not
informed that Middleton Colin John had already appealed to the Sessions
Court for release of his passport. 

So, despite the fact that we were taken into confidence, factual information
was hidden. And, as if to rub salt into the wounds of an non-governmental
organisation -- Jan Ugahi that was struggling to fight the sexual
exploitation of tourism-related paedophilia -- the very day we were having
talks with Superintendent of Police-Crime, the order was passed to release
the passport of Middleton Colin John. 

Thereafter, Jan Ugahi received a letter dated February 6, 2002 saying that
the case was being shelved for lack of evidence. On July 29, 2004, Jan Ugahi
received another letter for the closure of the case simply because the
procedure requires that the complainant be intimated before a case is
closed. The police did not think it necessary to contact us on the matter,
never mind the proposal for what senior officials call 'NGO and Police
Integration' in tackling problems facing the weak in this region. 

This  case is to come up on November 26, 2004, and even today when the
police have been provided with documents of his earlier convictions and
sentences in New Zealand, the say of the police is for closure of the case.
The reason being cited is a lack of evidence. But infact, vital evidence has
been lost as the investigation was delayed and not conducted in a proper

Then, take the case of Ringleman (exposed largely by the Tehelka
investigation team in the monsoons of 2004). He lived with a minor 'adopted'
child. The Tehelka sting operation exposed him as a clear case of
paedophilia. The documents of adoption are illegal. The deed has no order
passed by a Court for Adoption. The minor with Ringleman was reportedly
moving freely with a bike. Where and why did she roam with the bike? Wzhat
was the activity for which she needed a bike? Did she have a licence? Our
traffic rules clearly state that a person below the age of 16 years cannot
ride a non-geared bike also. She is only 14 years according to the reports.

There are many other questions that need to be raised: Would anyone who
adopted a child keep her semi-literate? Why was she not sent to a regular
school? Did the police think it important to look into these questions that
were only leading to a clear case of paedophilia and a modus operandi that
would clearly stand exposed before a court of law? 

Ringleman was asked to leave the country. The State made it so easy for him
to jump the justice system, even while leaving a trail of injustice for his
'wife' and 'adopted daughter'. 

He was'nt even tried for the case, even though he could have well been under
several sections including Goa Children's Act -- which at least on paper
makes tourism-related child sexual abuse a non-bailable offence. Even if the
State did not accept these reasons to book him, what about his business that
existed only on paper and was used as a cover to mask his real intentions
and operations? 

Preventing tourism-related paedophilia

Jan Ugahi, through its activities with vulnerable children and the booking
of Giorgio Lazzini, is once again exposing yet another fallout of tourism
and the lack of measures by the state to protect vulnerable children and
prevent crimes of sexual abuse.

Tourism-related paedophilia is growing enormously. The recently-passed
Children's Act, despite all its plus points, is not being implemented and
remains only a paper tiger with paedophiles operating openly as wolves in
sheep's clothing taking cover under various facades. 

If our little ten-year old vulnerable victim had not known Jan Ugahi and
reported the matter, probably Giorgio Lazzini would continue roaming the
beaches of Goa endlessly, preying on innocent victims abetted by his
procurers and support network. 

Today, when tourism is at its peak, what measures has the state taken to
protect its children? Our experience in the case of Giorgio Lazzini is
worthy of mention. When Jan Ugahi called the Margao Town Police Station to
inform them about Giorgio Lazzini, there was no officer for attending the
crimes against women and children and we were given to understand that all
were on special duty for the Exposition, leaving the Police'zs concern and
priority for the other important concerns exposed. 

Shouldn't such a measure be undertaken as a matter of priority when there is
a rape, molestation or similar cases every other day and we are in the peak
of another tourist season that is even more hyped with the Exposition and
IFFI-04 (the International Film Festival of India, being held in Goa between
November-December 2004)? Last but not the least, it is high time the State
through its police investigates seriously the networks operating supporting
paedophiles. The real abettors are still waiting to be exposed.
JAN UGAHI is a Margao-based non-governmental organisation working to help
deprived children in the area.  
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