# Don't just read the news... discuss it. Learn more about Goa via Goanet#
# Goanet is a 10-year-old network launched by Herman Carneiro in 1994.   #
# See all archives http://news.gmane.org/gmane.culture.region.india.goa/ #
# To join, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask to join GoanetDigest.     #

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GOANET-READER WELCOMES contributions from its readers, by way of essays,
reviews, features and think-pieces. We share quality Goa-related writing
among the 7000-strong readership of the Goanet/Goanet-news network of
mailing lists. If you appreciated the thoughts expressed above, please send
in your feedback to the writer. Our writers write -- or share what they have
written -- pro bono, and deserve hearing back from those who appreciate
their work. GoanetReader welcomes your feedback at goanet@goanet.org
Goanet, 1994-2004. Building community, creating social capital for a decade.


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