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Goa BJP government reduced to a minority


Panaji, Jan 29: Juggling MLAs in and out of government has snowballed into a 
political crisis for the Manohar Parrikar government who was reduced to a 
minority on Saturday. Four BJP MLAs resigned from their assembly seats, while 
two coalition ministers resigned from cabinet,withdrawing support to the BJP 
led government.

The Congress has staked its claim to form a government, with 19 MLAs in the 
reduced house of 36, including support from the NCP, two regional parties and 
an independent. The BJP has 17 MLAs, in the fluid numbers game that is 
unfolding here.

No decision came from Governor S C Jamir's office which held meetings with 
opposition claimants and state officials through the day. Mr Jamir flew back 
from Kolkata via Mumbai this morning as political events escalated with a 
ministers demotion and resignation late Thursday night.

Addressing a press conference this afternoon, Chief Minister Parrikar 
maintained he would prove his majority on the floor of the house and accused 
the Governor of playing a partisan role.

"A majority is decided only on the floor of the House and not on the lawns of 
the Raj Bhavan", a defiant Mr Parrikar said.

Both camps have expectedly huddled their MLAs together, the Congress in a five 
star seaside resort outside Panaji, while the BJP camp were camped in the 

Mr Parrikar's first serious challenge to his four and a half years in office, 
came when he demoted financier-politician Atanasio Monserrate, who resigned on 
Friday morning. Working on strategies chalked out over Friday, Mr Monserrate 
and three neo-BJP MLAs, including Francisco Micky Pacheco -- who joined the 
BJP only on Thursday -- Isidore Fernandes and transport minister Pandurang 
Madkaikar gave in their resignations to the Speakers office.

All four BJP MLAs have resigned their assembly seats, to avoid 
disqualification under amended Anti Defection Laws, and are expected to seek 

Simulataneously, PWD minister Ramakrishna Dhavlikar and Water Resources 
minister Philip Neri Rodrigues, joined a Congress led delegation to Raj 
Bhavan, and submitted their resignations as ministers. Officer bearers of the 
regional MGP and UGDP parties have given letters of support to the Congress-
NCP combine.

Congress general secretary in charge of Goa affairs Ms Margaret Alva 
accompanied the delegation to the Raj Bhavan and flew back for consultations 
with the party high command in New Delhi.

Ms Alva is expected to return tommorrow, even as CLP members left it to 10 
Janpath to decide the leadership issue.

Mr Parrikar's fate hinges to some extent on the UGDP tourism minister Mathany 
Saldanha who is currently in Spain to attend a tourism mart. The UGDP has 
pledged support to the Congress but Mr Parrikar said he enjoyed the support of 
Mr Saldanha, irrespective of his party stand.

With four members resigning, the house strength stands at 36, with the 
Congress and allies claiming a total of 18, the BJP at 17 and Mr Saldanha 
still out of the country.

In a crucial floor test, political watchers calculate the Congress has an edge 
of one, accounting for the jubiliation in their camp.

The irony of the political farce being enacted here in Goa's theatre of the 
political absurb has not however been lost on some. BJP MLA Isidore Fernandes 
had in August 2004 resigned from the Congress and won a by-election on a BJP 
ticket a month later -- only to repeat the resignation drama today.

Francisco Pacheco had on Thursdary merged his one man outfit with the BJP, and 
said it was "tit for tat" that he was walking out of the assembly 
precipitating a crisis for Mr Parrikar on Saturday.

Assembly polls in May 2002 had given the BJP 17 to the Congress 16, while two 
regional parties the NCP and an independent had backed the BJP over the past 
two and a half years. Poaching MLAs from his coalition partners and shuffling 
support soured relations in the coalition, over time. (ends)


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