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Liberation musings... the many twists and turns in Goa's long story

By Valmiki Faleiro

This day, 44 years ago.  Early morning, two Indian Air Force
planes strafed the Emissora de Goa, the powerful radio
transmitting station, at Bambolim and the civilian airfield
at Dabolim. The previous night, mechanized columns of the
Indian Army had crossed the international border and now
advanced towards Panjim, as retreating defenders dynamited
bridges to delay their advance. An Indian Navy fleet, led by
INS Brahmaputra, sailed up the Zuari estuary to take on a
lone frigate berthed at Mormugao and, unexpectedly, on a
spirited sea observation post at Sada Headland, Vasco da Gama.

Goa’s 'Second Liberation' was well and truly underway.
Achieved, like the first in her checkered modern history, by
military might, but mercifully, with little bloodshed.  The
'Third Liberation', with any hope, shall come about bereft of
brute force.

Lest my multiple 'Liberation' theories be summarily dismissed
as FF (flights of fantasy) by Goa’s extant FFs (Freedom
Fighters) -- yes, extant, and heaven bless, they will remain
so for another two and three-quarter centuries! -- may I

But not before noting an oddity. *Freedom fighters* did not
accomplish Liberation. 'Operation Vijay' staged by the Indian
Armed forces, did. Under the command of a Goan, Air Vice
Marshall Erlich Pinto, of Porvorim's illustrious Pinto do
Rosario stock.  Have *tamarapatras* been doled out to the
families of Naval sainiks and Army jawans who lost their
lives at Mormugao, Nani Daman and Anjediva?

          Goa's *First Liberation* had come precisely 451
          years before, almost to the month, on 25th Nov. 
          1510. Unable to bear the confiscatory taxes and
          other crushing miseries heaped upon Hindu Goa by
          Muslim Bahamanis from 1469 and by Adil Shahis from
          1498, our ancestors conspired to throw them out. 
          And awaited deliverance. By *firangis* from distant
          shores, as foretold by a soothsayer.

The only bulwark to the ascendant Muslims -- the Hindu
Vijayanagar Empire -- was crumbling in the face of the
onslaught. They could barely hold fort around their home base
in Tamil Nadu. Far-flung territories like Goa had fallen to
the Muslim sabre and lay forsaken.

Beaten but not broken, a Vijayanagiri sea captain lay licking
his wounds in Honavar. Our Hindu ancestors approached
Thimmaya to canvass help from the Portuguese, by then
established on the Malabar coast.

On 17th February 1510, Thimmayya guided Afonso de
Albuquerque's small fleet up the Mandovi.  The assault was
vicious, but the victory brief.  On 23rd May 1510, Ismail
Adil Khan, the ruling prince of Goa, fending off Marathas
with 60,000 soldiers, pushed out Albuquerque and his ragtag
band.  The *firangis* anchored off Penha de Franca/Aguada,
where Hindus of Taleigao helped them with provisions, and
thence, in August that year, with receding monsoons, to the
isle of Anjediva.  Awaiting reinforcements.

          It was a long wait. Sail vessels took five months
          to reach India from Portugal. Food and water were
          soon exhausted. Every rat on board was hunted and
          relished.  When rats were extinct, Albuquerque and
          his men chewed on leather and abominable stuff, to
          stave off starvation.  Sails were laid out to
          collect rainwater.

A buoyant flotilla of six vessels finally arrived.  Captain
Thimmayya urged immediate attack, while Ismail Adilcao was
again away. By dusk of 25th November 1510, after three days
of fierce battle, Albuquerque had 6,000 Muslims put to the
sword. The streets of Old Goa turned into rivulets of blood. 
But Goa was Liberated!  As *liberated* as the eventual need
for a *Second Liberation*.

It's beyond this column's space to dwell on the 451 years. 
Be it only clear that I've grown by the advice: keep the
windows open; retain what is good, chuck what is not.

>From 1787, our ancestors attempted to chuck the Portuguese. 
Goans, some now converted to Catholicism -- but not, as
ignorantly perceived, to anti-nationalism -- clamoured for
freedom (see box, below.) Goa’s pro-Portugal fringe was not a
Catholic monopoly, if you please; anti-nationalism, if so it
can be dubbed, transgressed barriers of creed and embraced
those of class, like the largely Hindu mineowners and the
landed gentry.  But that's beside the point.

Goa could have been freed two centuries before, but neither
Marathas nor the Peshwas obliged. In 1668, Shivaji tried but
gave up easily. In 1683, Sambhaji surrounded vital forts and
almost went for the jugular. But as the Portuguese viceroy
lay supine before St. Francis Xavier’s relics, the Moghuls
unexpectedly attacked the Marathas and Sambhaji retreated.

In 1739 the Peshwa, BhajiRao-I strategized a three-pronged
attack: by Jayrama Sawant Bhonsle from the North, Rajah of
Sondha from the South and his own Maratha general Venkat Rau
from the East. Venkat captured most of Salcete but when
within striking distance of the capital of Portugal's empire
in the east, traded Goa's freedom for a tribute of eight lakh

          Some Goans still profess undying love for
          Maharashtra. Their dreams of replacing one yoke
          with another -- thro' merger with Maharashtra --
          were foiled by people like Purshottam Kakodkar and
          Dr. Jack de Sequeira, the real FFs of modern Goa.

The Portuguese could have been forced out even as late as in
1956, before the "Goa Issue" boiled into a major spat at the
UN. But Nehru, more concerned with his pacifist image abroad,
preferred diplomatic persuasion. Western nations,
particularly the USA, worked towards peaceful resolution (had
Salazar accepted one US initiative, Goa might have turned
into another HongKong -- but then, if wishes were horses,
beggars would ride!)

My thoughts today go to Air Vice-Marshall Pinto. And his men
who died subduing a vastly outnumbered, outflanked and
ill-equipped adversary ... even as the ghost of Afonso de
Albuquerque, the *Liberator* of 1510, lay beached near
Siridao, now in the form of a frigate.

But Goa was, again, Liberated!  As *liberated* as the need
*for a Third Liberation*.  This one, heaven permit, without
*the use of force or a military takeover ... to deliver us
from the *fruits* of democracy: all-pervasive corruption,
plummeting public values and gross mis-governance.  Amen!

[BOX ITEM: A BRIEF ASIDE...]--------------------------------

The Roll of Honour of Goa’s struggle for freedom from
Portugal's colonial yoke will sound funny to today's
self-anointed *Desh-premis*:

* In 1787, a good 70 years before the Indian Sepoy Mutiny, 17
priests led by Frs. C. F. Couto and J. A. Gonsalves staged
the Pinto revolt.  Tortured, their bodies were dragged by
horses on streets before being decapitated and heads stuck on
spikes for public exhibition.

* In September 1821, Goans led by Bernardo Peres da Silva
conspired to install an independent Government.  Portugal
sued for peace.

* In 1822, Fr. Pedro Ribeiro led an armed insurrection
against the colonial power.  His men stormed the fort of
Colvale, Bardez.

* In 1835 Bernardo Peres da Silva, appointed Governor-General
of Goa, and his Chief Secretary, another nationalistic Goan,
Constancio Roque da Costa, moved to capture power.  Alert
Portuguese officials quickly deposed both.  Their supporters
fought a bloody battle for reinstatement at Fort Gaspar Dias. 
Most protestors were massacred.

* In 1854, Divar-kars killed a Portuguese army captain,
Garcez, sent there to rig local elections.  (Remember
*Luizinha mojea Luizinha?* the mando that commemorates the
event, not the current crook!)

* In 1895, Fr. F. X. Alvares, editor of *Brado Indiano* led
rebellious Goan armymen transferred to Mozambique and
captured fort Nanuz.  They were jubilantly joined by the
Sattari Ranes.  (Not all Ranes were rebellious; the current
one descends from a different strain!)

* In 1852, Fr. Jeremias Mascarenhas gave a clarion call for
Goa's freedom, after Portugal reluctantly granted
independence to Brazil.

* In 1862 came noble Sashti-Navelkar Francisco Luis Gomes'
inspiring call for Goa's integration with the motherland,

* 21st September 1890 witnessed 'Partido lndiano' leaders,
Jose Inacio de Loyola and Roque Correia Afonso, address a
public meeting at Margao's Holy Spirit Church grounds,
resisting a Portuguese attempt to rig Salcete civic polls. 
Armed troops marched down Rua Abade Faria from the *Quartel*,
surrounded the peaceful assembly and opened fire
indiscriminately. Twenty-three lives were lost, making the
world's first headlines on Goa, flashed on newly developed
dot-dash telegraphy.

* The last in that series of democratic protests came in 1918
when Menezes Braganza demanded freedom at an all-Goa rally at
Margao, before Salazar assumed dictatorship in 1926 and
clamped the draconian *Colonial Act* in 1930.  The likes of
T.B. de Cunha took off from there.

Goan Catholics, clergy and laymen all, dear *Desh-premis*! -
Valmiki Faleiro


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