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The Goa Knowledge Revolution
by V. M. de Malar

We Goans tend to stand on the sidelines even when our own
future is being decided. The aloofness and cynicism is mostly
justified; Goa has been continually let down by the political
class, whether homegrown or national cadres. Our resources
are endlessly plundered and mismanaged, our state is too
often viewed by Delhi through an inappropriate communal
prism, and even as we've lurched to the position of India's
best-off state (and wildly successful international tourism
hotspot), we're all painfully aware that Goa's achievements
have come despite official bumbling and the system's utter

So, when the Government constitutes yet another officious
commission, to prepare yet another lengthy document, it's not
cause for much more than the usual yawns and bored
expressions from jaded locals. Except that the Knowledge
Commission, a high-powered panel of experts on education
headed by former Goa University fixture, Professor Peter R.
deSouza, has charged out of its starting gate most
impressively, has already built a whole set of bridges to
relevant sources of expertise, and thrown open an ambitious
electronic forum that solicits the inputs and opinions of
every Goan at home and in the diaspora.

          Visit www.knowledgeforgoa.com, and you can scarcely
          believe that this innovative, inclusive,
          reflective, and down-to-earth initiative comes from
          government appointees.

"We live in a connected world," says the homepage that comes
illustrated with folksy portraits of great sons of our soil
like D D Kossambi and T.B. Cunha . "The pace of change that
this connectedness produces is so rapid, involving so many
levels, and having such far-reaching consequences, that all
societies will, sooner rather than later, have to have
policies and institutions in place… to turn challenge into

In the Indian context, Goa is almost uniquely poised to reap
benefits from the Information Age, but we must be aware and
adequately prepared. The webpage goes on, "A policy on
education must convert this background advantage into a
bankable asset. It must be relevant, forward looking,
innovative, marketable and sustainable. It must add to the
creative spaces that are present in Goa while…meeting the
needs of the people and the economy. It must, in short,
center Goa in the knowledge economy."

It's so refreshing, and inspirational, to encounter this
thoroughly democratic, thoroughly intelligent, approach.
Professor deSouza elaborated, via email, that his group's
"founding principle" is "the belief that there's a lot of
wisdom "out there" which has to be accessed and brought into
conversation with policy making. The use of an open
democratic method is valuable for building a public
imagination… A public imagination produces comparative
knowledge, insights, and a willingness to try new pathways.
It produces commitment, and also, through democracy,
political pressure for good practice."

          The Internet will play a key role in harnessing
          this public imagination, the Knowledge Commission's
          website is meant to serve as meeting ground,
          bulletin board, information dissemination service,
          and common platform, all at once.

"The aim," says Prof deSouza, "is to enable every Goan, or
friend of Goa, anywhere in Goa or in the world, to
participate in giving ideas for the vision document for
education in Goa…They can now participate in multiple ways…
The strategy is enabling and empowering."And so the ball is
back in Goa's court. We've been challenged, as a culture, as
a people, as a rickety but functioning society, and now it's
time to get off the sidelines.

Read the Commission's own words, they say it all rather
lucidly. "Why are so many thousands of Goans unemployed or
under-employed? Why do Goans lag behind in competitive exams?
Why can't education in Goa be more job oriented? Why does Goa
have so few opportunities such that all our bright students
leave the state for foreign shores? The Goa Knowledge
Commission hopes to take a critical look at education for its
employment generating capacity. It wants to do this not
without enlisting your thoughts, opinions, suggestions and
ideas. We know that you have often wished that policy
formulators have a more democratic approach. We know you have
often wished for a forum to express your thoughts. Here is
your chance. Visit the bulletin board of the Knowledge
Commission and post your inputs. We assure you your thoughts
matter." See you all at www.knowledgeforgoa.com.

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