
       /                                         d8   Founded in
 e88~88e  e88~-_    /~~~8e  888-~88e  e88~~8e  _d88__ 1994 by
 888 888 d888   i       88b 888  888 d888  88b  888   Herman
 "88_88" 8888   |  e88~-888 888  888 8888__888  888   Carneiro
  /      Y888   ' C888  888 888  888 Y888    ,  888 
 Cb       "88_-~   "88_-888 888  888  "88___/   "88_/
   http://www.goanet.org * Building social capital. 


Commission for Religious and Linguistic Minorities, which was
on a two-day tour of the state, has concluded that the state
language, Konkani, was becoming a minority language, as
education through the language is declining... Commission
member Dr Tahir Mahmood told reporters that the
representatives of the Christian community had told the
commission about the problems that they had faced due to the
insistence of the authorites on minority-status certificates
before issuing them permission to open a school. Disclosing
that the insistence on the minority status certificate was
not necessary, as any community identity as a minority in any
state enjoyed priviledges enshrined in the Constitution, he
went on to add that perhaps this was a tactic for denying the
right to the minority community. The Christians did not have
other major grievances, he added. Muslims' major complaint
was the shortage of teachers in Urdu medium schools. (The
Navhind Times)

o Monsoon is here. Heavy rainfall likely in next 24 hours.(NT)
o Fishermen told not to venture out to sea. (NT)
o Storm looms over Goa. Fishermen warned boats could capsize.(H)
o Winds ground iron-ore barge off Miramar. (H)
o Margao keeps fingers crossed over flooding. (H)
o Now, Goa government teachers to retire at 60. (H)
o Goa asks Delhi for an ultra-mega power project. (H)
o BJP demands probe into death of Goa recruit at MP. (GT)


Livia de Abreu Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on Goa
Research Net http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goa-research-net

     From what I remember from my childhood days, and we
     always had different kind of "merenda" each day for tea
     and even if nothing was made we would take left over
     rice from lunch mix it with coconut and sugar and a
     sprinkling of crushed cardammom and relish it, there
     were two kind of "crepes" prepared at home.  The ones
     called "alle-belle" were made with batter made of ground
     rice thinly spread on a saucer and steamed..  Mankeos
     (in Portuguese "Elas-Velas-Vao because of the three
     turns one gives when rolling) made of maida and eggs and
     cooked as the normal crepes or pan-cakes. When I
     visualize the latter, made at my ancestral home, the
     aspect did appear to be that of "squids" specially as
     far as that light burnt colour and the texture is
     concerned. Now a days with the non-stick pans, it no
     longer has the same appearance.

SAYS GOA-RESEARCH-NET: «Research» is not bias-free, but we
can try to make it emotion-free! Avoid any derogatory
expression or tone that could hurt your readers. [Moderator]



     Fred, I can't believe you are allowing Goanet to serve
     as a mouthpiece for this drivel. We count on this medium
     (Goanet) for news of amchim Gaon -- not for some
     blathering idiot to get a megaphone. I enjoy the pieces
     on our history and the debates on Roman script vs
     Devnagari, Goans in the diaspora etc....but this stuff
     below is just poorly written garbage replete with lousy
     arguments and enough big words and name drops to appear
     scholarly. Goans are intelligent and well read enough to
     make up our own minds on tough topics like this one.

BASIL DCUNHA COMMENTED (while also responding to Chhotebhai
Noronha's article): I agree with your views on Dan Brown (and
Da Vinci Code). I think it is one more opportunity for us to
know our Faith a little deeper. This article is an eye opener.

you (Chhotebhai Noronha) for your article and I had to reply
to this one. Dan Brown's "The Da Vince code" is a fictional
work he admits it but he hides behind real locations and
confuses the reader in believing that this is non-fictional
work in search of the truth. We know what advertisements are
all about -- we don't become Aishwarya Rai by using Lakme
soap or Shahrukh Khan by drinking Pepsi nor do we become
Amitabh Bachchan by eating Dabur's Chawpraysa. If our radical
mind can differentiate this why can't we see the Da Vince
code marketing gimmick.

This Sunday in our church here in Belgium, our priest
straight away jumped on to this subject and addressed the
topic in pretty much the same way as you have. I appreciated
the fact that he didn't hide behind the vague reasons not to
address it like many priests before him did. He clarified the
subject and said it is fiction and the film is two n half
hour of waste of time. But he had read the book and seen the
movie. He also said that he is not saying this because he is
obliged by the fact that he is part of the church
institution, but he genuinely feels like that. The same for
me, I believe in Jesus and in Bible and in the Christian
faith and Da Vinci Code cannot change that. What unsettled me
is the reaction in different parts of the world including a
"Dead or Alive Dan Brown" offer from India.

SUOMO CHATTERJEE WRITES: What made you send us this mail of a
religious zealot who can't take a good book and appreciate
fiction? Hope this is not an cheap action on your part to
gain readership....

AF<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> WRITES: What a read! Kudos to the
learned man for taking the time and effort to respond to this
Da Vinci hype! I shall forward this email to others.

OTHERS: What's this article about? Goa should be part of
portugal? We really love salazar and his regime? We want
independence for Goa from India? Mr Joseph Zuzarte and Mr.
Noronha go get yourself a Portuguese passport and may be go
kiss the ass of white foreigners like Freddy Pitts. We are
Indians. Taxi drivers exploiting non-local indians is nothing
special. It happens everywhere in India (may not be happening
in your good Salazar's Portugal). Looks like you got
pissed-off during your stay in Mumbai for sure and rightly
so. We dont need you in Goa. Go to Portugal.

OF TEMPERATURES IN GOA: Maria Fernandes <maria_123_uk
@yahoo.co.uk> writes: I live in Borda, Margao. I recently
bought a temperature gauge from Bangalore. I have recorded
the outside temperature since the past five days [prior to
the recent rainfall, in end-May]. Recordings are inside room
-- always 33C. Outside temp consistently has been: at 11 am
42C at 12 noon 46C at 1 pm 46C at 3 pm 44C at 8 pm 34C. Can
anyone enlighten me is how come all the news channels
including BBC report the temp in Goa as 33C, and that to goa
has been it seems at 33C mark for past one month?
     Is it possible to even walk out between 12 noon and 1 pm
     without feeling sick and nauseated? Simply no, and so my
     recordings corelates symptoms one are feeling due to the
     heat at 46C (and definetely not 33C). Such temp of 46C
     are seen in Gulf countries for eg Saudi Arabia. So is
     Goa or for that matter India heading for the desert? 
     Why are the recordings 30C in Goa which I know and all
     know simply cannot be true?


luciamarie da costa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> WRITING ON
MARGAO-NET OFFERS a receipe for Sarapatel (Bardez-style)

Serves 8
Preparation  Time  11/2 hour
  1/2 kg pork Meat(Cubed and Parboiled)
  1/2  kg Pork Liver and  Heart(Cubed and Parboiled)
  1/2 cup dried pork blood mixed in 2 Tbsp Vinegar(optional)
  1/4 cup vinegar 
  Garlic (15 flakes) Paste
  Ginger Paste, 3 inches 20 gms
  3-4 big onions
  20 gms tamarind  (Dissolved in 1 cup water)
  1 tsp sugar
  3 1/2 cups stock
  1/2 cup oil

Grind in to  Fine paste the Spices:

  1 tsp Pepper Powder
  1 tsp Turmeric Powder
  1 tsp Cumin seeds 
  4 Green chillies 
  10-12 Red chillies
  1 stick( 3 inches cinnamon)
  8-10 cloves
Method: Fry in a frying pan  nice and brown, using a little
oil the par boiled Liver, Heart and Pork meat. Cool and keep
aside. Cut onions fine. Saute until onions change colour. Add
ginger, garlic paste and fine paste of spices then add the
fried pieces of meat, tamarind juice,stock, sugar vinegar.
Add salt as per taste. Simmer for few minutes. Finally add
green chillies and the pork blood, but mash it fine stirring
it evenly into the gravy. Cook on slow fire until meat is
tender. Sarapatel tastes better the next day and later. Serve
with sannas... http://groups.yahoo.com/group/margao-net


<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> WRITES: I am Alex Fernandes,
photographer based in Panjim Goa.I am in the process of doing
a series of photographic portraits on contemporary Goan
musicians. Please vist my web page at
http://www.portrait-atelier.net/musicians.htm to have a look
at some my work. I have done 24 musicians till date over a
period of 2 months. Most of the work was done in studio. The
lighting controlled to give the efeect of stage and a feeling
of a live performance. I hope to have your valuable feed back
and comments."


Helga do Rosario Gomes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ON A GOAN
gentleman and his two sons took after him.  What struck me
about your (Victor Rangel Ribeiro's earlier) post is the
enterprise of the people who lived almost 100 years ago
considering the limited infrastructure at their disposal. To
have launched two newspapers which published music from home
grown composers and literature is admirable as is their
effort to publish and preserve for posterity the historic
documents that you mention. I have also heard that the Veiga
Coutinhos published a magazine which gave a platform for
young women of that generation like my aunt Elsa Rocha to
exploit their talents. Can the generations that followed
match these achievements even though facilities and
opportunities have improved exponentially? My aunt wrote and
narrated beautiful stories on air which everyone looked
forward to then and which many would love to hear now. But it
never occurred to me to even make an attempt to follow suit.
My admiration for her comes a tad too late!  I dont know if
we have programs that encourage young writers of fiction or
even radio interviews with statesmen, writers etc like those
on the American National Public Radio anymore. We have not
seen many homegrown newspapers although the new blog culture
is encouraging. Why are we not producing more Sonia Faleiros,
Isabel Vas .... Journalists Vivek de Malar who writes an
op-ed column for Heraldo or fiction writers like Margaret
Mascarenhas have been raised and educated overseas but still
have immense dedication and love for Goa.  In the USA op-ed
columns like Vivek's are very powerful as they inspire people
to be better citizens and help to analyse situations and act
on them. Case in point is Pulitzer prize winning Nicholas
Kristof on the Dafur issue. Vivek de Malar's op-ed column in
Heraldo could be equally powerful as he touches on a spectrum
of issues such as lack of athletics, conservation, terrorism
and tourism. But many seem unaware of it -- a loss as his
style could make for good reading for young people. To
summarize, my concerns are as follows: * Is our education too
science-centric? We have made tremendous strides in science
but have our Humanities kept pace? * Are our Humanities
departments at the Goa University not doing enough to expose
and educate people to new sociological and economic ideas? My
limited knowledge of Latin America suggests that writers and
Universities were powerful bodies that shaped their
countries. May be they are trying but no one cares? 3) Did an
almost overnight change in languages (from Portuguese to
English) which I always thought to be a huge advantage for me
actually hamper our parents from passing on a love of the
Arts to their kids? 4) Or is this a global trend? Maybe its
all of the above and more. But its got me thinking. I mulled
for three days before posting this message. Its not to offend
or critique anyone or any organisation. I am as guilty as
everyone else."

response to Teotonio's suggestion, some days back, that I
might be able to throw some light on the Tipografia Rangel.
Indeed I can, but it will be very little! My great-uncle,
Janin Rangel, founded the press, a private family enterprise,
in 1886. Years earlier, Janin's sister had married Caetano
Manuel Ribeiro, a noted physician of Porvorim; my father
Oscar was one of the many children born of that union. Janin
remained close to his sister's family, and in time my father
teamed up with him in one of his ventures.

     "In 1895 Janin Rangel launched a monthly cultural
     magazine that he called "O Indispensavel", The
     Indispensable One. It covered a variety of subjects, and
     pioneered in one -- Janin invited several local
     composers to send him the music they had written. No
     sooner had the magazine begun publication than the Rane
     rebellion broke out; the Government banned all
     publications, and the Indispensable One found it had
     been dispensed with. Nevertheless, Janin had been able
     to publish compositions by (in alphabetical order)
     Aleixo Antonio da Costa; Carlos Eugenio Ferreira; Pedro
     Antonio Lopes; Francisco and Silvano Lopes, Pedro
     Antonio's two sons; Lusitano Rodrigues; Antonio
     Francisco Sardinha, and Jose Batista Vas. Undeterred by
     the setback he had received, in 1905 Janin launched his
     second magazine, "O Trovador Luso-Indiano" (The
     Luso-Indian Troubadour). But this time he was not
     working alone; he described the venture as "a collection
     of selected compositions for voice and piano [published]
     ... with the effective collaboration of Oscar Rangel
     ... Ribeiro."

"New composers were featured this time around: H. Carneiro,
Joaquim Filipe Correa Ferrao, J. F. L. Fernandes, D. L.
Pereira do Carmo, Janin Rangel, and Oscar Rangel-Ribeiro, now
24 years old. One other composer adopted a nom-de-plume,
calling him "O Pimpao" (the Dandy). The issue I have has some
pages missing; the extant pages contain 16 compositions in
Konkani, including dekknis and dulpods; three have been
provided with piano accompaniments.

"Janin's son Jaime continued the family enterprise with
considerable success; he also entered politics, becoming head
of the Mapusa Municipal Corporation. For reasons quite
unknown to me, he closed down the press either at the time of
Liberation or shortly after.

"I have mentioned the two cultural magazines that Janin
Rangel published because that is a little known aspect of the
Tipografia's output. Much more significant is the role Janin
and Jaime and their press played in publishing and thus
preserving a large number of important historic documents,
such as the Assentos do Conselho do Estado (Proceedings of
the Council of State), that were collated and annotated by
Panduronga S. S. Pissurlencar, and a new edition of the
Arquivo Portugues Oriental. Both were multi-volume series
that are now hard to come by; I treasure the few examples I
have in my possession."



     Reading your statement gives us Goans far from home some
     hope that things will improve for many of us who are
     away but still have our families, home and property in
     Amche Goem.

     Congratulations to you and your team on setting up this
     office and we look forward to receiving news on the new
     website to be launched.  May we make another small
     request , which you may be able to help us Goans with?

     Many people back home relate the United Arab Emirates
     with Dubai and Dubai only, when the UAE actually
     consists of seven emirates, one of which is Abu Dhabi
     and which is the Capital of the UAE. Many Goans here
     like me based in Abu Dhabi have been looking for a
     direct flight to Goa from here. This would save us the
     four to five hours lay over in Mumbai. You will
     understand this can be difficult especially with little
     children. May we request you to try and include this
     facility for us Goans based in Abu Dhabi, even it means
     one flight a week?

FROM MACAU, WITH LOVE: Ignatius Dmello
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes, "I am Ignatius from Macau Ex
Britto's, and from Mapuca. On May 20, we had a Goan May
Rosary and a get together." 

     Our Lady of Rosary was celebrated by the Goan and Daman
     Community in Macau on May 20, 2006. The Rosary was
     recited following the 8:00pm Mass, that was celebrated
     by Fr. Urbano Fernandes of Canacona, at St. Lawrence
     Church. The choir members included Robert D'Silva
     (Mumbai) (University of Science and Technology, Macau),
     Professor Anthus Fernandes (Taleigao) (Macau University)
     Joseph Sequeira (St Inez,Panjim) (Majorda Beach Resorts,
     Goa) and his two daughters Melissa and Janice who were
     enjoying their summer vacations in Macau. After the mass
     there was a typical Goan dinner with pork sausages, beef
     xacuti, tisreos (Goan style), chicken xacuti that was
     all washed down with Portuguese wine. After dinner, the
     attendees indulged in singing a few mandos and old
     Portuguese folk songs to sum up the evening. Photos at:

Tony "Long Tony" Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> of
Saligao/UK: "Last week had a chance to go and check out the
mausouleum of Sir Richard BURTON who was mentioned in Chris
Ondaatje's book Sindh Revisited, where he retraces Burton's
footsteps whilst in India, including a mention of Goa and The
Blue Mountains. Mario Cabral e Sa is also pictured, along
with his Burton comments, in Chris' book . PS. Michael
Ondaatje, his writer brother of English Patient fame etc,
also wrote Running in the Family about their Dutch Sri Lankan
family roots and upbringing.


-- http://www.sainikstores.biz.ly --  which calls itself the
"one-stop shop". Its managing committee consists of Dr. V.K.
Mulgaonkar, chairman, Rosemarie D'Lima as vice chairman, V R
Kadam as treasurer and Patricia Kelman Cesar Costa Sandra
Souza Vinita Gupta Peter D'silva Maria Luisa Frias Prajyoti
Naik (Secretary). Located at Defence Colony, Alto Porvorim
403521. Staff is Anthony Alphonso (manager), Prajyoti Naik
(secretary), Francis Sequeira, Shailesh Shetye, Harsha
Kandolkar, Namita Toraskar, Seema Naik, Savika Mayekar,
Chandrakala Parakar, Parshuram Valekar, Preeti
Haldankar,Mumtaz Nagpure, Tohid Vabasur, Mohini Adhadfadkar,
Sarika Naik, Rupa Navelkar, Shilpa Sirsat. Phone 2412578 and
Mobile 9371194645 Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

     the National Informatics Centre, Goa writes: Please
     check these websites : www.nic.in you have links to GOI
     directory of all ministries,departments ... india.gov.in
     GOI portal... mplad.nic.in MPLAD division website... 
     idrn.gov.in National disaster recovery inventory
     database... goagovt.nic.in Govt Govt website. Please
     send your feedback on egov.goa.nic.in/rtipublic as I
     want to assess and fine tune performance of this
     website. We are also adding the 2006 budget and feedback
     page. For further details: Guntupalli H. Subhash
     District Informatics Officer National Informatics
     Centre, North Goa District Unit, Panaji Tel : (0832)
     2422707, 2223612

DEAR AUNTY, a new column from Goanet

Witty answers with a Goan twist. Send in your queries, on
just about any topic under the sun. FR, who handles the
column, writes: "Aunty wields a sharp scalpel, as she cuts to
the heart of the matter, lacing social commentary with
humour. I'm not sure our notoriously sensitive Goanetters
would be able to take more than a once-weekly dose of her
acerbic pen. Having said that, Aunty has been inundated with
similar requests like yours (for more of it)."

So please tell Aunty if you'd like more of the writing...
Send in your comments and queries to goanet@goanet.org


I am recently back from a visit to Goa and found this most
marvelous bookshop. It is located near the Mapusa Clinic,
Mapusa and very easily missed. Even the people working in the
same building had not heard of it or may be it was my
'Mumbai+Manglorian' Konkani which was unintelligible to my
Mapusa Goenkar brothers et sisters. Yet having heard of the
treasure of good books, and having decided to speak only in
Konkani, I marched on...and was finally there.

It reminded me of my school library in Don Bosco Matunga, for
some reason, where a Mr Gonsalves, our librarian was always
asleep on the main desk. We did whatever we wanted with the
books as long as we did not commit the cardinal sin of waking
him up and listening to a long long sermon on the goodness of

This lady at the desk was startled from her day dream by my
presence.... After permitting me to browse through the books
in this small bright room, with a fan revolving in a
thankfully good speed, she discreetly moved to an adjacent
room and left me alone to wander through the book shelves.

I immediately moved to the Goan/Konkani books section.

     I first picked up a nice book by Valentino Fernandes on
     'How to be an Instant Goan'. This seemed very
     entertaining and reasonably priced and light in weight
     and so was approved for purchase by my higher senses. Of
     course my criteria for buying books includes
     consideration of their weight. My flight back to Leeds
     does not permit me to indulge in too many books as i
     will tell you later.

Another book I bought was regarding religious denominations
in Goa from the 15 to 19th centuries. It includes early
Portuguese-Goan history and that was the deal clincher.

There was a book on the Letters of St Francis Xavier in two
volumes leather bound and gold embossed but the price was
more than a thousand rupees. I will probably go to a library
for this one....

A book on Konkani idioms, by VP Chavan  was "SST" --
Sundar,Sasta and Tikau. It included some sectarian but
entertaining mhaNios like "Konkannalo Bhatta Pashi..."(Worse
than a Konkannos Bhat..) and ... "Chor-acho Bhaii-yan ghetale
rann, thai meLLo mussalmaan, taaNey kappley naank ani kaan."

Of course Konkani is well bejewelled with  mhaNios on the
derriere and human waste and therefore they do make a
delightful read.

Dr O. Gomes' book on Konkani litterature, Konkani
Manasgangorti was there. I already have this one.

I looked for this book on the the Inquisition by Dr Priolkar,
but after a long silence from the adjacent room, out came, a
full blooded ... 'No'. I also looked for the Christa Puraan
written by Thomas Stevens in Marathi/Konkani but not having
found that on the shelves, didn't bother to ask.

Unfortunately Konkanis  have a long way to go when they write
books on our history. Catholic and Hindu viewpoints are so
obviously divergent that a good balanced perspective of Goa's
history and of Konkani unfortunately seems far away and the
truth seems quite lost.

On my way back to England, I had overshot my allowed luggage
weight by a few deca kilos and has to do a visarjan of these
Konkani/Goan books. I handed them rather sadly to my wife and
parents patiently waiting at the airport, knowing I'd have to
give up either the books or kajubees
(roasted/salted/biboos... all!) I kept the kajubees.

In these times of uncertainity for Indian doctors like me in
the UK, the books are better kept in good old Mumbai, for me
to read, when my current visa expires while eating my moms,
dalitoi and xit. My wife joins me next week but her bags are
already full with her dental books, no chance there...  I
recommend this bookstore to all. They also have a on-line
website and post books within India and abroad, but that
service I haven't tested and cannot speak for or against.

Important notice: After the Shenoys' (my family) and Prabhus'
(my inlaws) recent trip to Goa there are no kalamaris left in
the state, though the state govt has said that in a couple of
weeks there will be a new stock. -- Hrishikesh Shenoy,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] excerpt of a longer piece on


Clinton Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  is currently tied up with
Panjim's waste disposal planning and says: "If we don't work
now, Panjim will have trouble in the monsoons...." He already
in Sweden to attend a conference on medical waste and visit
landfill sites, municipalities and recycling centers to get
some fresh ideas. Contacts: Clinton. +91 9860036828 (in Goa)


DJ Fadereu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: My meatspace name is
Rohit Gupta, and I am a storyteller. Yes, I know that needs
some explanation and here it is. I was writer in my previous
avatar. Over the last two years I did research in Indian
history alongside the history of technology, and that of
clocks.  During this long ordeal, I discovered Jantar Mantar,
a lost book written by Jyotishacharya Ganganath Triyambak,
circa 1900.

In nine parts, it describes the life of this astrologer in
the early twentieth century, and more significantly -- it is
a prophecy of the 20th century, using parallels between
society and abstract machines. This sounded very academic to
most people, yes -- so I started performing this poem live
with music, dressed as the Rajasthani astrologer, explaining
things where needed. Please note that Triyambak's predictions
are recited to the audience long after the events he
predicted have happened, by the person who discovered this
lost book -- DJ Fadereu.

I'm leaving Bombay because the police have imposed a bizzarro
license on live artistic performances, which is too expensive
for my modest means. I travel and tell this story, and
whatever money I make from my audience -- I use it to travel
and write.

So I thought of Goa, a place I love and long to see again,
but this time not as a tourist, but as a friend of the local
community. I have a lot to learn about Goa, its people and
history. (Pssst... If the name "Dr. Garcia da Orta" means
anything to you, please let me know. I am also planning to
drink as much feni as I can and do "research". Heh!)

Plans: I will be taking up a cheap room somewhere near
Calangute to begin with (less than 200 a day), and try my
luck at the shacks and cafes for evening performances. If you
can reccommend some nice places, restaurants where I can
perform, or if you own one yourself, I would love to meet up
with you during my visit and tell my story.  I will be
shuttling between Bombay and Goa until I finish my schedule
of acts here in corporate offices. My contacts, and a
detailed website about the show is listed below.

I look forward to hearing from you: DJ Fadereu The Jantar
Mantar Projekt: The Hip Hop Hopera ^ hip hopoetry + muzack +
opera buffo + laptop + gadgetzookery = phun
Phone: +91 98675 80501 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mumbai, Jerry Pinto, released on Thursday (May 4) his book on
the dancer from the Hindi movies, 'Helen' at Literati in
Calangute. He was also showing DVD clips.


I am sure a lot of you have heard of Longuinhos Restaurant in
Goa. I fondly remember the good ole days when my Mom used to
take us to Margao as a special treat and we always had lunch
at Longinhos which was the best part of my whole Margao
shopping experience. They now have a major resort in Colva. 
Here are some mouth watering recipes that are posted on
Longuinhos website.

     Mackerel Recheado (Stuffed Mackerel) - from Longuinhos:
     6 mackerels, 12 Kashmiri chillies, 8 peppercorns, 15
     flakes garlic, 1/4 tsp. cumin seeds, 1 teaspoon
     turmeric, 1/2 tsp sugar, 5 grams tamarind, salt to
     taste, vinegar as required, Oil for frying.

Clean the fish leaving the heads.  Remove the fins..  From
head to tail (make a slit), cutting right down to the bottom
of the fish on one side of the center bone. Be careful not to
cut off the side completely.  Repeat the same procedure on
the otherside of the fish, and wash the fish well. Add salt
to the insides of the fish and keep aside. Prepare the other
mackerels the same way.  Grind all the spices in vinegar. Use
enough vinegar to get a thick smooth paste.  Stuff the masala
into each mackerel very evenly on either side and fry in hot
oil.  If you want, you may cut off the head after frying. 
Leaving it on initially ensures that the masala does not
spill out while frying.

  ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
||g |||o |||a |||n |||e |||t ||   Issue compiled by
||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__||   Frederick Noronha
|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Copyleft Goanet 2006 http://www.creativecommons.org You may
reproduce this ezine in its entirety, with credits retained.

Goanet, the net-worker of all networks. Stay in touch. 

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