Of Aldona, Siolim, Anjuna and Morjim... circa 1877

By Frederick Noronha

Would you believe that in 1877, there were as many as 8988
people living in Aldona? Or that Siolim had 9604 residents,
and Anjuna, 8508? Even Morjim had a rather significant
population of 3853 at that time.

On the other hand, villages like Ambeacho-Goval in Sattari
taluka had barely 12 persons living there. But that was 1877,
at a time when the estimated number of Goans living abroad
was just 34,557.

Trivia? These loose and seemingly unconnected facts pop out
at us from the dusty pages of history stored an interesting
yet little-visited library at Alto-Porvorim. If you chance
upon the Xavier Centre of Historical Research, you stand the
chance of unravelling a lot of secrets of yesterday's life in

For instance, details about how migration affected this small
state. Of how the comunidades were run. Or, how valued
goldsmiths from Goa were even in the early sixteenth century

On one of the well-maintained shelves, one can page through
original copies of the first newspaper to be published from
Goa. Gazeta de Goa was brought out in 1821, and lists
political and other "news" across its now-fragile pages. One
brief item reports on the war between Russia and Turkey,
giving a hint of what readers in Goa got to read in those

One also comes across facts which everyone seems to have
forgotten about the Goa of the yesterdays.

     "Indian goldsmithery was considered to be of a very high
     order. The Portuguese were fascinated by it," points out
     librarian Ms. D'Souza. She points to a book called The
     Heritage of Rauluchatim. Raulu Chatim was a goldsmith
     who went to Lisbon to display his art in the early
     'sixteenth century, and this book was written only in
     1996 by the son of Goa's last Portuguese Governor-

On other shelves of this library, one can learn a whole vast
amoung of interesting tid-bits about Goa. For instance, you
could check out the number of persons -- single, married or
widowed -- in the villages of Assolna, Benaulim or Betalbatim
in the year 1881.

There's a very useful tide-table, using which one can
determine the high and low-tides simply by looking at the
phases of the moons. Similarly, in those days when nature
ruled, there is a full year's of information about the
sunrise and sunset timings.

Goan and Portuguese authors also took some pains in trying to
understand the significance of Hindu festivals, both regional
and national. Maybe one might find the spellings used to
describe these festivals rather quaint today --
Makarsakranti, Mahashivratri, Shimga, Vorshpratipad, Ram

Looking through some other books, one could get an
interesting collection of information. It might seem like
tit-bits of trivia, but surely meant a lot in those days.
Even today, this information could give an insight into the
lives and times that our grandparents went through.

Take for instance, the details about the functioning of the
Bombay Tramway Co. Ltd. It's speed was restricted to six
miles per hour, and five miles per hour in the Abdul Rehman
Street. Ticket rates are published, from Sassoon Dock to
Parel via the Portuguese Church and Grant Road.

There are long lists of rules governing the functioning of
the comunidades. One can find out statistics about what was
then called the West of India Portuguese Railway (now part of
the South Central Railway). Even the teachers who taught at
village schools were listed -- obviously there were only a
handful, in those days when literacy was something only a few
could attain.

It's interesting to see the manner in which migration out of
this state was slowly taking root. For instance, in the late
nineteenth century itself, there were a number of "clubs" set
up by people from Goa across the country.

Some examples from Bombay: the Club Lusitano da Associacao
Dramatica on Picket Road, Goa National Dramatic Company on
Girgaum Road, the Indo-Portuguese Cricket Club of Bombay, the
Instituto Luso-Indiano at Agyari Street and the Instituto de
Sto. Antonio (the old Anglo-Portuguese School).

In Calcutta, one comes across the St. Anthony's Girls School,
and there's the Goa Portuguese Association at Karachi
alongwith the Goa Portuguese Association Cricket Club. There
are many other clubs and institutions in Pune and even an
institution called the Goan Death Benefit Association!

Goa-linked commercial firms are also listed in destinations
as remote as Ahmedabad, Amravati, Baroda, Bellary, Bhusawal,
Bombay, Calcutta, "Cawnpur" (Kanpur), and Karachi. In that
early age itself, Goans seem to have got involved in a number
of various commercial firms -- ranging from printing works to
tailoring, philately, Catholic religious books, wines,
pharmacies and handling passenger baggage.

Quadrille Band Suppliers of Calcutta had the distinction of
being listed along with a hint of its patrons in high places.
It goes down as an "estabelecimento musical fundado em 1865,
sob o distincto patrocinio de sua excia. o vicerei da India e
de sua alteza of governador da Bengala".

XCHR's book collection has been steadily growing. From 1993
to 1995, for instance, it grew from 13,000 to 16,000. You can
see from the above that one doesn't need to be a historian to
appreciate the useful facts that emerge from its library and
treasure-house of past information.

     Besides its many books, XCHR has rare atlases, maps,
     dissertations and bibliographies, newspapers clippings
     and some 200 cyclostyled volumes of government reports
     and seminar papers. It also has photocopies of
     inaccessible documents and articles.

XCHR also houses around 200,000 Mhamai House documents. (In
the eighteenth century, the Mhamais were engaged in business
at Old Goa, before they shifted to Panjim in 1759. They were
tobacco revenue farmers, but faced bankruptcy in 1818.
Besides other activities, they ran an agency house for the
French, and counted the state shipyard as one of their
clients.) It has received donations of books from as far
apart as Lisbon, Porvorim, Delhi, Candolim, Margao, US,
Anjuna and England.

Computer printouts of the indexes of XCHR are available,
while there is also a microfilm reader on hand. In keeping
with the wealth of information this centre contains, even the
prestigious US Library of Congress has evinced interest in
its information.

It's another fact that people from in and around Goa have not
taken full benefit of this useful collection. But scholars
like Prof. Philomena Antony of Chowgule College have
undertaken interesting work -- for example, on the relations
between colonial Brazil and colonial Goa -- through this

Some other interesting exhibits have also found their way to
this centre. For instance, the family of the late Dr. Manuel
F. de Albuquerque of Anjuna, gave a quaint gift to the XCHR.

Dr. de Albuquerque was the personal physician to the former
Sultan of Zanzibar. His family donated to the centre's museum
three swords, including the gloden sword won by the Goan
doctor for his discovery and combat of the bubonic plague in
distant Africa in 1903! 

[This article was written some years back, and is being recirculated.
The writer is a Goa-based independent journalist.]

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