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Chandor villagers step in to "save" their village with people's plan

By Preetu Nair
Gomantak Times

Irked by the morass that governance has turned out to be,
Chandorcars have decided to step in and "save" their historic
village. A group of villagers took the lead to enlist the
views and aspitrations of their co-villagers, held public
meetings in all eight wards and prepared a five-year plan for

          "My idea of village swaraj is that it is a complete
          republic, independent of its neighbours for its
          wants, and yet interdependent for many others in
          which dependence is a necessity". Inspired by
          Mahatma Gandhi's words and unhappy with the state
          of affairs in Chandor, the 2797-odd residents of
          Chandor have got together to prepare Chandor Ganv
          Vhodd Zaum, a five-year (2007-2012) people's plan
          for the sustainable, equitable and people¬friendly
          development of Chandor.

Through this five-year plan, the villagers make a fervent
promise to themselves to try to remake their lives on a new
social and economic foundation.

The aim of the plan is to boost village economy; create jobs
by reviving agriculture through cooperative and organic
farming, restore historic sites, beautify the village to
attract tourists; establish Chandor Development Corporation,
start a waste-recycling project, bring in more government
welfare schemes and cooperative projects.

"Our panchayat has become too politicized to function
effectively in our interest. We need to restore to it its
true responsibility; as a body to oversee the development of
the village and villagers. It shouldn't act as a branch
office of the government in power nor the village cell of the
constituency's MLA," opined Linken Fernandes.

In the plan, villagers have suggested not only economic
reforms but also social and political reforms to save the
village and the villagers.

As a social reform, they have urged for a need to re-form
Comunidades (land-holding village cooperatives) into
cooperatives with all villagers as its members, stop
destruction, usurping and sale of hills, open spaces, paddy
fields, river,creeks and lake, stop air and water pollution
and end casteism, ethnicism, male chauvinism, work and
language snobbery.

As part of the political reform they have demanded to make
Chandor an independent village republic, which holds gram
sabhas in each ward and brings the panchayat to their
doorstep, uses the Right to Information laws and ensures that
the panchas undertake development responsibilities.

Moreover, they have also set other targets such as
beautification of Chandor by clearing garbage, keeping the
tintto (village market) clean, defending open spaces,
decongesting the village centre, building promenades, making
roads safe and re-greening degraded land.

Villagers also intend to start a waste-recycling system, a
community land cooperative, 100% literacy by 2008, a
cooperative gas agency; petrol pump and bus service by 2008
and two crops a year by 2012.


On June 25, 2006, at a gram sabha meeting when the Sarpanch
informed them that the panchayat was preparing a 15-year
development plan for Chandor, which would soon be submitted
to the government, the villagers suggested that they should
also be involved.

It was proposed that views of all villagers be sought and
their aspirations and hopes understood before the plan was

Subsequently, few villagers went around Chandor asking people
for their views on how the village must develop over the next
five years. After eight public meetings in all wards of the
village, they came out with a five-year plan.

"The sincerity of our panch members will be gauged by the
alacrity with which they carry out the proposals in the
people's plan. The gram sabha and all villagers of
Chandor-Cavorim expect the panchayat to immediately start
working out the cost of implementing the proposals outlined
here," said Tiago Miranda.


The Five-year People's Plan for the Sustainable Development
of Chandor (2007-2012) was presented to the village gram
sabha (village council meeting) on December 10, 2006 in the
panchayat hall.

Accepting the plan, the chair of the gram sabha, the
sarpanch, announced that the panchayat would soon call a
special, or extraordinary, gram sabha to discuss the plan.

However, that has still not happened, but villagers have not
lost hope. People have various demands, and these, form an
integral part of the People's Plan for the Sustainable
Development of Chandor (2007-2012). They have short term and
long term plans.

The villagers propose to have a waste reduction and recycling
system before June 2007, 100% literacy before 2008, village
land cooperative by June 2007, increase locally generated
income to at least 50% of total village income, raise two
crops by 2012 through natural, ecologically-sound organic
farming, set up a gas agency, a petrol pump and a bus service
through the village cooperative before 2008 and make the
village Panchayat totally people-friendly by December 2007.


Give the economy a little push by promoting agriculture,
tourism, dairy farming, horticulture, poultry, and animal
rearing. Encourage people to go for natural farming, using
organic manure and farm as a cooperative, treating all the
Communidade land as an indivisible, collectively owned unit.

Also restore the vil1age to a point in time when myths seemed
natural enough, to attract tourists. Also promote backwater
tourism. Keep the village centre and tintto (market) clean,
less crowded and unpolluted as possible and plan sub-markets.

Besides, build a new structure to construct a new identity
that people immediately connect with Chandor. Also promote
dairy farming as an important economic activity in the
village, with the panchayat promoting welfare of "dairyists".
Also consider a cooperative dairy farm in the village and
provide "dairyists" a common site for their milch animals, to
pre: vent inconvenience to nearby residents.

Dedicate most of the non-paddy Communidade and private land
to a mix of horticulture, poultry, animal husbandry and
piggery projects. Rush mat weaving, using the Iou reed found
over large stretches near the marshy areas around Cotta and
Guirdolim, is another possibility considered in the plan.

The Handicrafts Corporation and the Industries Department
make funds available for conducting training in rush mat
making. Develop small fisheries projects, using government
schemes for inland nurseries


A recycling unit could generate fertilizer for the
cooperative farm and create a couple of jobs too. The
panchayat has enough funds funds.

Also attempt to reduce the amount of garbage created in the
village, particularly in the market place and in the church
environs and come up with waste reduction systems. At least
ten compost stations to be dug up at various points in the
village immediately.


Attract more government funds by pulling in more welfare
schemes into the village. Taxes are another source of income
the panchayat needs to pursue seriously.

The increased income may be spent on a free anti-rabies
vaccination pro¬gramme for all registered dogs in the
village. They also talk about the role and importance of
Panchayat, Sarpanch, panchas and Gram Sabhas.


With the Communidades of Cavorim and Chandor proving
incapable of protecting village interests, the villagers
suggest that it is time for all Chandorcars (villagers of
Chandor) to take over the task of safeguarding the physical
integrity of the village and of the means of sustenance by
forming a villagers' cooperative to oversee the egalitarian,
sustainable and cooperative development of our village.


Channel some of the foreign money into income-generating
projects in the village. Ensure some enriching activity, for
Non-Resident Chandorcars when they return home for their


Early commencement of and completion of the proposed bridge
over the railway tracks near New Township. While planning
more roads and new bridges, ensure safety on roads. Provide
proper parking place, bus service and electricity.


They also talk about empowering children and women. Besides
improving school infrastructure, provide for an outdoor
badminton or tennis court, gymnasium, table tennis, a
community TV set, computers, newspapers, magazines, and even
dancing in the corner if some people feel inclined to move a

"After all, the development and prosperity of our village is
the responsibility of all Chandorcars," added Fernandes.

This article was first published in the Gomantak Times issue
of February 25, 2007, under the title "People's Plan --
Chandor" and is authored by Preetu Nair.

Nair is a senior reporter at the Gomantak Times and can be
contacted via email or at the newspaper offices at Sant Inez
in Panjim, Goa 403001. Her blog is at

Linken Fernandes can be contacted at Chandor via phone

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