Upper-caste Catholics and the dream of the Hindu Right

By Jason Keith Fernandes

In the flush following the Festival of Ideas, the moderator
of an egroup of research scholars on Goa was inspired to cry
out "Why don't we dedicate the group to Abbé Faria and
D.D. Kosambi, we could then have one for each community!"

Responding to this idea, a friend blinked his eyes and
inquired: "Two communities?" He paused, scratched his head
and asked again "Two communities? How two communities? Aren't
they both Saraswat?"

          This had not been my own response; my own had been
          to fume and remark on the manner in which the Goan
          Muslim had once more been written out of the
          equation. My friend's response though scored higher
          on two counts, not only did he manage to
          humourously ridicule this suggestion (as it should
          have been) but the man had also hit the nail on the
          head and unlocked in an instant the key to
          understanding the emergence of communal tensions in
          our fair (?) land.

It has been going on for sometime, but since the past few
years one hears a number of Catholic Brahmins stand up to
proclaim their Saraswat status. To be proud that they were
(are?) Brahmin we can argue is as old as the sun, but to see
themselves as Saraswat is a relatively new phenomenon.

It is this fact, and the fact that Chardos can claim to have
a Maratha heritage, that will ensure that there will be no
major confrontation between the two major religious groups in Goa.

This does not translate to the fact that there will be
communal harmony however. It is clear, especially in light of
the recent clamour that there be a ban on cow slaughter in
Goa, that the Hindu Right will persist in stirring up
trouble. However there may be a management of the tension
through the alliance that is brought about through the
identification of the Catholic upper-caste groups with their
Hindu upper-caste brethren.

It may not be openly acknowledged, but these two upper caste
groups have time and again collaborated to ensure that the
status-quo is maintained, the easiest example being the
manner in which the Konkani agitation was managed.

Upper caste Catholic and Saraswat combine to create the
(Konkani) terms for their dominance. And since it was upper
caste interests and alliances that were focused on, it is no
surprise that where Konkani was concerned, the lower caste
Catholic was sold out and deliberately left with no real
linguistic option.

          The implications for communal strife through
          Catholic upper-caste identification with Hindu
          upper-castes is more in evidence in Mangalore. Most
          Mangalorean Catholics are so eager to pass
          themselves off as upper-caste, that they have in
          recent years produced Brahmin identities for
          themselves, and sharpened their weddings with
          Brahmanical rituals.

The result is that whenever there is communal strife in the
area, they are able to persuade themselves that it is a
Muslim problem and lie low; play the Christian cheek as it
were. That this strategy does not work for long can be seen
by the fact that not too long ago was the attack on a group
of Catholic religious, where one of them literally had his
teeth pushed in.

Quite clearly then, the assertion of an upper-caste identity
by non-Hindu groups works only to ensure a management of
communal tension, as these groups work hand-in-hand to keep
the lower castes in check, until they realize that the
communal situation has blown up in their collective faces!

Goa may not see Catholic-Hindu riots but it has and will
continue to see unprovoked attacks on Muslims, because the
upper-caste Catholic, who is in control of Church and
community has internalized Hindu nationalist logic about the

As such, rather than realizing that they stand to gain should
they identify with a minority group that is being punished
for not being Hindu upper-caste, they join in the persecution
of the Muslim.

          Another reason for the persecution is the Goan
          Catholics' own insecurity about their status and
          future in the state. It is a fact of history that
          rather than stand together against a common bully,
          the weak fight among themselves.

The anti-Muslim feeling in Goa should really be put down to
this, the weak fighting the weak, one set of dominant groups
stoking the fire and the other playing ostrich trying to
blend in. It didn't help the assimilated Jews in Europe, why
would it help us?

(In commemoration of the communal violence perpetrated in
Curchorem-Sanvordem, March 2006)

Comments are welcomed at http://dervishnotes.blogspot.com
This essay was first published in the Gomantak Times.

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