Advalpal mine collapses; major tragedy averted
Courtesy: Bicholim Goa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

BICHOLIM AUG 18: A portion of the Advalpal mine collapsed on Thursday
posing a threat to the nearby houses even as no major disaster was
reported as the water from the pit got diverted away from the houses.

It may be recalled that the villagers from Advalpal had protested the
mining activities in the area some months back and had stalled the
work from more than five days. The agitators had demanded immediate
closure of the mining in the area.

In this connection several villagers including women were arrested and
they were restricted entry into the mining area.

The people had also staged morcha at the deputy collector's office in
protest against the mining.

Later, at the Advalpal Gram Sabha some of the people objected to the
agitation and demanded that the mining should be allowed to continue
at Advalpal. The resolution in favor of the mining was supported by
about 120 villagers while only few of them opposed the mining.

On Thursday at around 3.00 pm the surrounding slabs of the mining
collapsed into the excavated area thus making way  to the stagnant
water. "The most of the mining slabs collapsed and the water gushed
out of the pit" Kishor Naik a  member of the Varchawada Kruti Samiti
Advalpal told Herald.

"This time we were lucky as the water did not enter our houses as it
went into another pit and some of the water was flown to the other
side because of a trench" Naik said adding "this proves that the
mining is serious threat to the village  and was given permission
without looking into the seriousness of the problem."

In 2000 a similar incident had occurred in the village and water along
with the silt went directly into the houses which are about 100 mts
from the mine. "The mine is not at all safe and so we strongly demand
to cancel the license of the said mine" Naik demanded "the government
should take immediate action against the mining and we have also
submitted a memorandum to the Chief Mininster in this connection."

"All the authorities should immediately look into the matter and
conduct investigation before some major tragedy strikes the village"
he told.

Meanwhile, in the copies of the memorandum have been also given to the
chief secretary; Bicholim deputy collector and the Mamletdar.

Via Samir Umarye
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