Many histories


The various strands of Goa's composite culture are all strung together here.

Rich architectural heritage: The interior of a Goan home (Photo
reproduced from the book).

We tend to think of Goa as a quaint Mediterranean outpost transported,
by a quirk of history, to the shores of the Arabian Sea. This is
erroneous, since Goa, or Govapuri or Aparanta as it was, is a land of
many histories, outlined in the new and very prestigious tome on the
subject. Within the last 50 years, exciting discoveries have been made
of Early Stone Age tools, and in 1993 more than 120 tools of the
Middle Paleolithic period were uncovered under a layer of debris in a
cave, proof that it had been inhabited. Mesolithic rock carvings were
also found in two locations, largely of animals, incised with such
skill that they are still clearly identifiable as deer, ibexes, and so

The prize find was a Megalithic Mother Goddess in granite, fully eight
feet long and two and a half feet broad, holding a newborn baby. Eons
later, in the time of the Chalukyas, a huge Ganesh idol was carved on
a rock at Reddi, an image that is still an object of worship.

In early times, Goa, known to Greek geographers as Arike, was the
major port for its rich hinterland, and had a flourishing trade with
sea-faring nations. A large number of gold coins are still turning up,
originating from places as various as Rome, Venice, Arabia and Aksum,
a major centre of Christianity in ancient Eritrea and Ethiopia. Arab
traders had settled on the Konkan coast centuries before the Muslim
conquests, probably dealing in horses, and African farmers in the
first millennium A.D. used iron implements of Goan provenance. During
the reign of the Kadambas, precious metals and cloth, food grain and
spices were exported; also exotic items such as camphor, perfumes,
elephant tusks and hippopotamus teeth for their supposed aphrodisiac

Repressive interlude

The 450 years of Portuguese rule were largely repressive. The infamous
Inquisition was enforced for more than two centuries with greater
severity than in the home country, and all manner of absurd
restrictions were enforced with the idea of effecting cultural change.

At weddings no songs could be sung, and the couple was not to be
anointed in the traditional way. Newborn babies were no longer to be
placed on raw rice, nor could their birth be celebrated with banquets.
Dietary and sartorial rules decreed that salt must be cooked with
rice, not subsequently added, and dhotis and cholis were proscribed.
The planting of tulsi was also forbidden.

But there were unintended benefits. Goa became the centre of a hybrid
culture with an intellectual vitality that combined Brahmin scholarly
traditions with those of Catholic priests, who came in large numbers.
The fame of "the Rome of the East" spread throughout the Christian
world, and the enclave acquired a distinctive character which helped
it to assert its identity as a separate State after Liberation.

Since then progress has been rapid despite political instability and
rampant corruption. Goa is the most prosperous of our small States and
its per capita income, at about Rs. 50,000 per annum, is the highest
in India.

The book seeks to be all-inclusive, covering the numerous strands of
Goa's composite culture.

Apart from history, there are essays on literature and language,
architecture, the arts, Goan identity and much else, and a reviewer
has to be ruthlessly selective. There are also aids to serious study
such as an index, a glossary and an annotated bibliography.

A detailed chapter is devoted to music, describing traditional forms
such as the mando and the dulpod, and outlining the achievements of
the Mangeshkar family, Kishori Amonkar and the inimitable Remo.

That other famous Goan, Wendell Rodricks, is also here, contributing a
fine essay on costumes and displaying some of his creations. In one,
the model wears nothing above the waist except two mussel shells held
precariously together with bits of string, and matching clam shell
earrings. Though she dares to bare, would we dare to wear? One

Gourmet cooking comes as naturally to Goans as music, and half a
century ago the chefs in Bombay's leading hotels were all Goan. To
have one at home was a potent status symbol, and the Malabar Hill
dowagers would stoop to Byzantine intrigues to capture such a prize.

So, if Mrs. A, having dined on light-as-air pastry and gut-churning
vindaloo, succeeded in luring Francis into her kitchen with lavish
inducements, Mrs. B, in aggrieved retaliation, would purloin Adeline,
with matching offers, to keep an expert eye on her grandchildren.

Mario Cabral e Sa writes with verve about famous foodies and their
eccentricities. One wined and dined his guests on the choicest dishes
and smoked Havana cigars which he lit with 100-rupee notes. At the
other extreme Victorino, the doyen of Goan cooks, started on a
princely salary of one rupee a month, and would advise his apprentices
to "taste the food while the pot boils".

Exemplifying his teaching he came to a sad end, dying prematurely of
tongue cancer. Some mouth-watering recipes are given, so
labour-intensive that one would need the forbearance of Goa's entire
panoply of saints to slave for hours in the kitchen and then see the
Crab Curry or Bebinca disappearing in minutes.

Rich in flora and fauna

The State is exceptionally rich in flora and fauna. The Ghats have 50
varieties of fauna per hectare, 3,500 species of flowering plants, 84
known species of orchids, and more. Apart from the impressive facts
and figures we are told forest tales — a bird story, a snake story,
and even a true love story. A rampaging bull elephant who was the
terror of the surrounding villages strayed, one day, into a wildlife
park. There he espied the serene and lovely cow of his dreams. The
Earth shook and the heavens trembled. It was love at first sight.
Giving up his wild and wicked ways he settled down. And they lived
happily ever after.

Visually, the architecture section is the most impressive, with
striking photographs of the ancient temple at Tambdi Surla and the
much later Mangueshi temple. There are splendid interiors too, notably
of the Great Hall in the Palace of the Viscount of Pernem done in
shades of blue with huge round windows almost floor to ceiling, and
the hall of the Menezes Braganza home in Chandor.

Contemporary buildings such as the State University complex and the
Kala Academy have been designed by Satish Gujral and Charles Correa,
and a more native style is created in new resorts such as the
exquisite Nilaya Hermitage. Here, small stone-fronted pavilions are
scattered over the grounds, interspersed with lush greenery and water
courses to blend harmoniously with the landscape.

But where is that most charming of structures, the typical home of the
Christian landowner, with its tiled roof, its balcao with seats built
alongside the steps leading up to it, and arched windows with panes of
iridescent oyster shells to keep out the glare and fill the interior
with light? We were shown around one, 150 years old and still in use,
with furniture carved in the Indo-Portuguese manner, and crockery of
finest china decorated with floral motifs. And, believe it, there were
chamber pots to match, so beautiful that one could never imagine using
them for the purpose for which they were intended! In a book that is
otherwise so comprehensive, there is nothing more than a three-line
mention of these unique houses epitomising a gracious and vanishing
lifestyle. What a pity.

Goa: Aparanta, Land Beyond the End, Dattaraj V. Salgaocar, with Mario
Cabral E Sa and Wendell Rodricks, edited by Victor Rangel-Ribeiro, Goa

Rs. 3,500.

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