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So why target Sebastian Rodrigues now?

The time for intimidatory
litigation and farcical PR is
past -- now the mining industry
must clean up its act, says

The defamation case filed by the Fomentos against Sebastian
Rodrigues in the Calcutta High Court, claiming damages of Rs
500 crores, has opened up a new front in the ongoing battle
against mining in Goa.

          This case is clearly an instance of SLAPP
          (Strategic Litigation Against Public
          Participation), a strategy frequently used by
          industry to silence critics by burdening them with
          the cost of a legal defence.

As the Wikipedia entry on the subject says, it "is a lawsuit
or a threat of lawsuit that is intended to intimidate and
silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal
defence until they abandon their criticism or opposition.
Winning the lawsuit is not necessarily the intent of the
person filing the SLAPP. The plaintiff's goals are
accomplished if the defendant succumbs to fear, intimidation,
mounting legal costs or simple exhaustion and abandons the
criticism. A SLAPP may also intimidate others from
participating in the debate."

While the acronym was coined in the 1980s, SLAPPs have long
been a strategy used by corporate capital to stifle public
debate and criticism. While it broadly covers any legal
strategy used to silence criticism of a corporate initiative,
it is typically used in environmental cases when protests and
critiques interfere with a corporate body's business

SLAPPs interfere with the freedom of speech of individuals
and groups, and as such are an attack on this fundamental
right. Internationally, courts have not treated SLAPP cases
kindly. In Canada and the US, as SLAPP became a favoured
strategy of corporates, laws were enacted to protect
defendants in SLAPP cases.

In Canada, the Protection of Public Participation Act was
brought in. In the US, a number of states have brought in
legislation to prevent misuse of litigation in anti-SLAPP
suits, especially where the complaint is related to
activities that fall within the right of free speech.

Similar situations exist in Australia and other countries,
with courts and legislatures having intervened to protect
defendants in SLAPP cases.

Probably the most renowned of SLAPP cases has been the
McLibel case, wherein the European Court of Human Rights
found that Helen Steel and David Morris did not receive a
fair trial while defending a libel action brought by
McDonald's in the UK.

Found guilty in 1994 of libelling the company in a leaflet,
the court ruled that, because legal aid is not available to
libel defendants, their right to freedom of expression had
been violated. This landmark judgement recognises the basic
imbalance in a situation where corporates with deep pockets
can engage in endless and expensive litigation, while
defendants, usually ordinary activists or whistleblowers, are
hampered due to lack of resources.

In India, unfortunately, the authorities are yet to take
appropriate action to prevent misuse of SLAPP cases. While,
in the past, criminal complaints (usually fabricated) were a
common strategy, the latest trend in India,as noted lawyer
Rajeev Dhavan has pointed out, is to use the law of
defamation to silence criticism.

As Dhavan says, "The Indian law of defamation with its
criminalising posture and gagging writs offends responsible
democratic governance founded on free speech."

The willingness of courts to admit such cases and the
interminable legal delays involved only helps the cause of
suppressing free speech. Sunita Narain says that even in
India "companies who file SLAPP cases rarely win in court,
but achieve their real objective to discourage others from
speaking out."

          The worst case is probably the one filed by United
          Phosphorous against Umendra Dutt of the Kheti
          Virasat Mission for discussing in public something
          as well established as the ill-effects of pesticide
          exposure. Going further, United Phosphorous also
          filed a case against the publishers of the Times of
          India for publishing a report quoting Dutt.

Interestingly, the report does not even mention the company
but only makes general comments about pesticide exposure.

This case shows that, not content with going after
environmental activists, corporate India seems keen to
silence the media and prevent it from carrying any
information that may hurt its interests.

          The defamation case against Sebastian Rodrigues is
          not the first SLAPP case in Goa. Earlier, Meta
          Strips had filed cases against activists protesting
          the setting-up of the the Meta Strips plant at
          Sancoale -- not in Goa, but in courts across the
          country, from Haryana to Bangalore.

While the cases were eventually dismissed, activists were
forced to hire lawyers, and spend time and money travelling
across the country to attend court hearings. The objective of
the defamation case against Sebastian Rodrigues is clearly to
harass, intimidate and silence him and other activists
involved in the growing agitation against the excesses of the
mining industry in Goa.

          Fomentos has claimed that it is being defamed by
          Sebastian Rodrigues through his writings on the
          blog http://mandgoa.blogspot.com. The case has been
          filed on behalf of Fomentos by their Vice-President
          (Communications), Sujay Gupta, the very man who had
          orchestrated attem pts to get Sebastian Rodrigues
          branded a 'Naxalite' (what price 'defamation'?), a
          misconceived attempt that evoked a storm of protest
          from civil society, and left politicians like
          Manohar Parrikar who had played along with the ploy
          squirming in embarrassment.

What does the blog contain? A perusal shows nothing that has
not been said many times over before. Apart from
documentation of ongoing people's struggles against mining,
including against some mines operated by the Fomentos, the
blog documents the devastation wrought by mining in Goa.

This is nothing new -- citizens' groups in Goa, notably the
Goa Foundation, have been for many years documenting the
environmental destruction wrought by the mining industry in

Its recent book Sweet Land of Mine, is an expose of the
mining industry, about which ex-editor and poet Manohar
Shetty has written, "this eloquent, saddening book, exposes
the wounds on the Western Ghats and even in government
designated wildlife sanctuaries inflicted by callous open
cast mining, the consequent depletion of the water table, the
irreversible contamination of water bodies, the pollution of
fields, all affecting thousands of villagers in interior Goa."

So why target Sebastian Rodrigues now? It is probably a sign
of desperation as protest against mining in Goa builds up
into a crescendo. Also, Rodrigues is likely seen as a soft
target. But this misconceived attempt, like the 'Naxalite'
bogey before it, appears set to boomerang on the company.

The obvious malice involved in filing a case in Calcutta and
the ridiculous nature of the demand (Rs 500 crore, when even
United Phosphorous only filed for Rs 5 crore) have united
Goan society behind Rodrigues.

In public meetings and the press, activists and ordinary
citizens have risen up in his defence. There is already an
online petition at
http://www.petitiononline.com/sue4000/petition.html, which
has been getting widespread support, as has the appeal
launched to raise money for Rodrigues' defence.

With even pro-mining-lobby politicians like CM Digambar Kamat
having counselled the mining industry to seek a balance
between trade and ecology and asked it to pay heed to the
voice of the people, the writing is clearly on the wall for
the miners.

The time for ad hominem defamatory attacks, frivolous and
malicious litigation, and farcical PR (describing strip
mining as 'mineral farming') is past. The only option for the
mining industry is to clean up its act, and the earlier the

First published in Herald, Jan 23, 2008 under the title
"SLAPPing Down Public Protest".

Blog: http://fakeer.wordpress.com/

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