Safe Goa - The Vision

Over the last few years, the perception of Goa worldwide has been
tainted on many occasions.  Visitors to Goa, be they foreign or Indian
have nowhere to turn for information on safety, legal issues, visa
formalities, help or assistance.  Visitors sometimes take their
liberties for granted and knowingly or unknowingly abuse the freedom
they enjoy in Goa.  Sometimes, visitors are unaware of their rights
and face harassment from many quarters.

There are many facets to the complex and blessed land we know and love
called Goa. aims at filling in this gap where it seeks to be a
consolidated reference forum for travellers to Goa as well as
residents of Goa be they Goan, Indians from other parts of the country
or foreigners. not only addresses the “Do’s and Don’t” of
enjoying Goa Safely but also addresses standard issues like visa laws
and registration procedures, property ownership, business
establishment and government regulations.  It aims to guide
travellers, visitors and residents in the right direction in case of
any emergency as well as present a forum for them to voice their
questions and grievances as well as find answers for their questions.

The Forum is currently seeking the support and information from ALL
major embassies in India including the British Embassy, the US
Embassy, the Russian Embassy just to name a few.

The legal support for the forum and guidance is being spearheaded by
Adv.  Jamshed Mistry who is a renowned supreme court lawyer  and has
continuously helped and represented Goa based issues.

The British Business Group has agreed in principle to help with
disseminating information through our website and will be represented
at the launch.

We are also seeking the blessings of the Home Ministry of Goa as well
as the Tourism Ministry to ensure that all agencies can work together
in presenting a cohesive help site to visitors and residents alike.

This is why we would like the active participation and support of the
Goa Police Department to ensure that ALL points of view and
perspectives are represented in the site.  To help people understand
the problems the police face in enforcing law and order and help them
understand how to make it easier for the police and safer for the
people in Goa.

Not only is it necessary that visitors, residents and business
travellers enjoy Goa in a safe manner, but it is our responsibility to
ensure that all agencies are working together to secure the
environment and ensure the security, safety and integrity of each one
of us.

SafeGoa.Com is the first step in this direction.  Someday we hope to
grow into

"The woods are lovely dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And Miles to go Before I sleep"

If you’re interested in knowing more or contributing your point of view –

please talk to us @ or +91-96198-55350

-  Faiz & Lynford

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