(*Rev. Dr. Ambrose Pinto SJ is the Principal of St. Joseph’s College,
Lalbagh Road, Bangalore)

BANGALORE (CNUA) During the early days, when the India was struggling
to find its moorings, Donald Smith, a sympathetic American political
analyst, had observed: "It is far too early to dismiss the possibility
of a future Hindu state in India. However, the possibility does not
appear a strong one. The secular state has far more than an even
chance of survival in India."

With the Somashekar Commission report out, many may not share that
optimism. In the last two years of the BJP rule in the state,
communalism has transformed itself from a marginal force to the centre
stage of state politics. Such a transformation of course is not purely
the result of its organizational success and emotional appeal, but
more due to the weakness of secular forces.

The findings of the Somashekar Commission are unlikely to surprise the
concerned citizens since the commission to probe the attacks was
appointed to legitimize communalism. Not many people had faith in the
Commission right at the time of its establishment.

There were reasons for the lack of faith. If the government was
serious to address the grievances of the community, the Chief Minister
should have at least consulted the community on who should be in the
Commission and who should not be. Without any reference to the
community, the commission was appointed. Not many members of the
community other than the Church establishment were enthused about the
commission. Given the fact, it was a government’s commission, the
report is no surprise. The commission has done the biddings of their
masters by wasting the resources of the state.

Prior to the BJP assuming power there were no organized attacks on the
community. The anti-Christian violence rose since the present
government assumed power.

How do these attacks then take place without a deliberate plan? The
victims know well who the perpetrators of the violence are. For the
commission to state that there is no basis to the apprehensions of the
petitioners that the politicians, BJP, Sangh Parivar and also the
state government are directly or indirectly not involved in the
attacks is ridiculous.

The commission further goes on to state that there was an allegation
as well as an impression created that top police and district
administration officials had colluded with the attackers who
desecrated the churches and there is no truth in it. As desired by
those who appointed them, the commission has absolved the state, all
its officials and the sanghparivar for their misdeeds.

Other than this report all the other reports have clearly established
the nexus of the state with the Sangh Parivar on those attacks. There
is no doubt that the report of the commission is aimed at protecting
the affiliates of the Sangh Parivar and a part of the communal police

Certain manufactured claims that are often repeated against the
Christians are legitimized in the report. One of them is the raising
fears that Hindutva is under grave threat from Christians, who it
claims are carrying out forced mass conversions. Hate literature has
been churned out to attack Hindu gods and goddesses to convert
gullible Hindus though the Christians may just be 2.1% of the state.
That the task of the Christians is to convert finds a place in the
report and one of the causes for attack is attributed to it.

The report needs to be simply rejected due to the fact that the
incidence of violence has been highest ever since BJP took over power.
This cannot be dismissed as mere coincidence. Rather it clearly
implicates the state as giving their indirect tacit support.

Anti-Christian violence is an officially accepted ideology of the BJP.
Why hide the fact by recourse to a report? Its politics is driven by
the principle of "majority is authority and power." Power is to be
derived through majority and can be used to redefine and legitimize
anything and everything. The report is another attempt in the

Wherever the party has been in power, it has been able to successfully
capitalize on the communal card. The report would be debated for the
next few months and this debate would conveniently help the party in
power to create a new consciousness.

At stake then are the question of pluralism and the very notion of a
composite and multilayered identity of the people of the state. During
the early days of the Republic their ideology was understood as
anti-humanist, obscurantist and violent. They were outside the
mainstream and were not looked upon by people as an acceptable
political alternative. Much of their advance is made possible in the
state because of their attacks on the minorities on the one side and
their intervention in the religious life of people through the
activities of innumerable organizations. The cultural consciousness of
people is transformed from the secular to the religious. This is
qualitatively a different effort from that of the secular forces and
is likely to pose a threat to the secular


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