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The Rainmaker

Cognizant has turned the
outsourcing model under
Francisco D'Souza

Sunny Sen

Cognizant Technology Solutions' moment of epiphany came one
summery day in July 1998 on Wall Street, New York.  Spun off
two years earlier from ratings data giant Dun & Bradstreet,
or D&B, the company was presenting its plan for a share sale
on NASDAQ.  At that time, most of its revenues came from its
former parent and this had a banker saying: "If Cognizant can
be listed, I can take the MIS department of any large US
corporation public." MIS was short for management information
systems, as information technology systems were commonly
called in the 1980s and 1990s.

MUST READ: Q&A with Cognizant's CEO Francisco D'Souza

The sarcasm stung. But the lesson was clear: Cognizant had to
stand out in the information technology, or IT, fraternity.
It could take the road of high innovation of Microsoft -
those were pre-Google days - or the path of operational
excellence of, say, International Business Machines, or IBM.
Or, it could evolve around a customer-focused model.

Cliched as customer-centricity sounds today, Kumar Mahadeva,
the then CEO, and his key lieutenants - including current
honcho Francisco D'Souza, who was then head of the US
operations - chose to go the extra mile in servicing clients.

The New Jersey-headquartered company, with most operations
run from Chennai, decided it would not undercut competition
on pricing but spend more on client servicing and invest in
domain expertise to deliver extra value.

The philosophy matured into the core of Cognizant's business
model, helping it to eventually catch up with bigger rivals,
who had a head start of at least a couple of decades and were
perfecting offshore delivery from India. As a captive of D&B,
"we had only one customer and our focus was only technology
and how to deliver quality", says Lakshmi Narayanan,
Cognizant's Vice Chairman. "But we decided that we will be
known for our customer centricity."

At that time, large corporations in the US and Europe needed
little pampering to outsource to India, which promised 40 to
60 per cent savings. Such cosseting, potential investors were
told, would predicate Cognizant's business model on operating
margins in the 18 to 20 per cent range. For context, Infosys
reported 26 per cent earnings before interest, tax,
depreciation and amortisation, or EBITDA, in 1998/99; two
years later, it rose to a peak of 39 per cent as business
fixing the Y2K bug poured in.

A dozen years on, Cognizant has overtaken Bangalore's Wipro
to the Number three rank by revenues among IT service firms
operating from India. Infosys, ranked second, is next in its
sights. For now, there is a considerable gap. Market guidance
estimates released by Infosys put its revenues for 2011/12 at
up to $7.25 billion; Cognizant has forecast it will close
revenues at $6.06 billion in the year to December 2011.

But this could change dramatically. By the end of the first
quarter of 2015, Cognizant is likely to overtake Infosys, on
a quarterly basis, according to various estimates. "With +8.3
per cent quarter-on-quarter dollar revenue growth in Q2 2011,
Cognizant delivered a strong outperformance over its guidance
(+5.7 per cent q/q) and continued its outperformance over
Indian IT peers," Bhavin Shah and Jaykumar Doshi, analysts
with Equirus Securities, wrote in a report in August. This
could change if Infosys makes a big acquisition but the
distance Cognizant has travelled is evident: until 2008,
Infosys led it by nearly half a billion dollars in quarterly

'The New Normal'

The Cognizant saga goes beyond overtaking Wipro or Infosys,
or perhaps even market leader Tata Consultancy Services, or
TCS.  The story is how a company less than 18 years old is
disrupting a $60-billion business of delivering IT services
from India.  It signed up 283 new client engagements in the
four quarters to June 2011, compared with 128 for TCS,
Infosys's 127, Wipro's 182, and 222 for HCL Technologies.  In
the same period, Cognizant's revenues grew 34.4 per cent
versus Infosys's 23 per cent and Wipro's 17 per cent.

At the centre of the disruption Cognizant is causing lies its
selling, general and administration, or SG&A, expenses, which
relate to sales, customer service and marketing. In each of
the last three years, the company has spent between 21 and 23
per cent of its revenue on the SG&A count, a percentage share
that is double that of some rivals'. President and CEO
D'Souza traces this to Cognizant's 'two-in-a-box' model of
service delivery - one market-facing person deals with the
client and a back-end professional ensures delivery of

"We have 300 to 400 clients who give the vast majority of our
revenues," he explains. "We have 700 to 800 account managers
dedicated to our clients on a day-to-day basis." Mjunction, a
Kolkata metal trading firm, started talking to Cognizant in
February 2008, when it planned to launch its first e-commerce
website, Straightline.in. Amit Khan, who heads IT at
mjunction, says a senior Cognizant executive interacted with
mjunction's business heads from the very beginning and, at
the solution end, another executive, who had run e-commerce
projects, was deputed to the Kolkata pitch. Cognizant won the
deal beating NIIT Technologies and Sapient. The tech services
vendor has also aggressively built its presence with clients
such as AstraZeneca, JPMorgan Chase and Sears at the cost of
rivals, say industry sources, but details are not available.

Industry veteran Subhash Dhar calls Cognizant's 18 to 20 per
cent EBITDA margin "the new normal". "If somebody is growing
revenues at 10 percentage points less EBITDA than Infosys,
that's where the growth is," says Dhar, who until June was a
Senior Vice President and Head (Innovations) at Infosys. He
believes software services delivered from India will move to
the lower margin bracket unless companies innovate.

At Cognizant, the prevailing view is one of deja vu. D'Souza
describes investors' acceptance of his company's lower
operating margins as a privilege. "And in return for that
privilege, what we deliver back to investors is faster growth
than the peer set," he says in a video interview from his New
Jersey home. In the last 10 years, the company has grown
revenues more than 27 times starting at $178 million and
ending 2010 at $4.6 billion, data compiled from the S&P
Capital IQ database shows.

R. Chandrasekaran, President & MD, Global Delivery, Cognizant
At the end of the downturn, the two banks (caught in the 2008
financial collapse) came out like powerhouses: R.
Market capitalisation of the company kept pace, expanding 28
times over the period - the biggest gain in the last three
years. Today, Cognizant's price-earnings ratio is 23.68
versus 19.85 of Infosys or Wipro's 15.38. Even in the
aftermath of the US recession following the September 2008
collapse of investment bank Lehman Brothers, Cognizant was
one of the few IT companies whose growth rate stayed in
double digits.

While most other companies either contracted or grew in
single digits in 2009/10, Cognizant expanded 16 per cent in
2009. The reason: the others had ruthlessly cut costs in the
second half of 2008 and first half of 2009 to protect
margins. Cognizant kept investing in domain expertise in its
new service lines such as consulting, BPO and remote
infrastructure management services. It has over 2,800 MBAs
working on consulting assignments - four times the number at
Infosys's consulting division. "Over the last three years we
have doubled our investments," says D'Souza; Cognizant is
investing $500 million to expand office space in India.

The Melting Pot

Cognizant straddles India and the countries of its clients
more effectively than its rivals. It runs over 7,500 client
projects in 40 countries, in nine of which it has its own
offices. About a quarter of its 118,000-strong workforce is
overseas, most of them in the US and Europe; though HCL Tech
has a higher share thanks to its acquisition of AXON in the UK.

          D'Souza, who looks boyish even at 43, is in many
          ways a symbol of the cultural hotspot that
          Cognizant is.  The son of an Indian Foreign Service
          officer, he was born in Nairobi, Kenya.  Picked by
          US magazine BusinessWeek among the world's most
          successful immigrants, he studied in seven schools
          in Panama, Zaire, New Delhi, New York, Trinidad,
          Hong Kong and Pittsburgh, before graduating from
          the University of East Asia, Macau.  His first job
          as a student was as a clerk at a Hong Kong branch
          of Indian Overseas Bank after which he headed to
          the Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, US,
          for a management degree.

D&B hired D'Souza in 1990 from Carnegie Mellon's Tepper
School of Business for a leadership programme designed to
give conglomerate exposure - the ratings company had in its
fold businesses that today are AC Nielsen, Moody's and
Gartner - to its managers.

After four years with D&B in Germany, the US and India, the
26-year-old headed to Chennai when a joint venture of his
employer asked for a hand to run sales.  "They randomly gave
me Francisco," recalls Srini Raju, the first CEO of D&B
Satyam Software, the 76:24 venture between D&B and the
erstwhile Satyam Computer Services."

He was a good mix of West and India. He was a hardworking and
ambitious guy even then; there were no timings for him." That
hasn't changed much: when Business Today's second interview
with D'Souza started at 9.30 a.m. local time in New Jersey on
a recent Friday, he had already done four client calls and
had another scheduled in an hour.

D'Souza is on the road 18 days a month. "I used to travel
quite often to meet clients, but Frank travels much more,"
Vice Chairman Narayanan told this reporter in an earlier
interview, referring to D'Souza. The pace of D'Souza and his
top team is matched by how shrewdly the company invests in

During the 2008/09 downturn, for instance, it had 45 per cent
of revenues coming from financial services. President and
Managing Director, Global Delivery, R. Chandrasekaran
remembers that two such clients were in bad shape, but
Cognizant chose not to focus on payments. "At the end of the
downturn these two came out like powerhouses."

He (D'Souza) was a hardworking and ambitious guy...; there
were no timings for him: Srini Raju

Relationships like these help, since most client sign-ups
today, after three decades of outsourcing, are renewal
contracts or an extension of a service into another part of
the customer organisation.  Still, Cognizant believes there
is fresh ground to be broken.  To ensure that retailers are
not affected by a technology blackout in peak season is an
example.  A solution, branded IntelliPeak, simulates holiday
sales - say around Thanksgiving or Christmas - and identifies
weak links in the retailer's tech infrastructure.  Sixteen
retail chains have signed up for it since 2010.

Such solutions are good to have but what will really move the
needle, D'Souza knows, will be big bets on technologies which
are sweeping the world of business.  He has thrown the brute
strength of Cognizant behind what he calls the four forces
driving the 'Future of Work', a framework crafted by the
company's Chief Strategy Officer, Malcolm Frank.  These are
accelerating globalisation; virtualisation; a millennial
mindset (which manifests in mobility, social networks and the
millennial population); and cloud computing.  "From 2009 to
2020 it is estimated that data is going to grow 34 times.
How does a company cope?" asks Frank, suggesting Cognizant
has the answer.

A hint of how Cognizant's luck is likely to play out is seen
from the eyes of its competition.  Customer understanding,
acknowledges Sean Narayanan, Chief Delivery Officer of iGATE,
is Cognizant's forte.  "When I joined iGATE from Cognizant, I
used to think that growing at 40 per cent is easy," he says,
indicating how well-oiled the sales engine at his former
employer is.

For now, D'Souza seems to have figured it out. To be sure,
Cognizant is still dwarfed by the likes of IBM and Accenture
- and even lags TCS by some distance - but for now it is
leading the growth pack in IT outsourcing.

Additional reporting by Josey Puliyenthuruthel John, Research
inputs by Gautam Aggarwal

NOTE: D'Souza is the son of long-time Goanetter Placido
D'Souza, former Indian ambassador, who traces his roots to
Anjuna. His sisters have been among the earliest Goanetters.


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