Truth of Cortalim is in the past

          Monday's  political machiavellianism   at Cortalim
          brings to mind a carbon copy enactment years ago at
          Navelim Assembly constituency, when Churchill
          Alemao intervened to ensure that his then chum
          Luizinho Faleiro was elected unopposed.  On that
          occasion, Alemao ensured that all opponents
          contesting against Faleiro in that elections
          withdrew from the election fray, thereby ensuring a
          walk-over for Falerio, resulting in the latter
          getting elected unopposed.

The technique employed at Navelim is similar to the one
repeated at Cortalim on Monday.  Though not new, it is a
disturbing trend, which makes a mockery of democracy and fair
play, and adds a subverting dimension to Goan electoral

It was widely believed that apart from veiled and even
direct threats issued to  opponents,  the opponents are
infused with Vitamin M, in a bid to ensure that they withdrew
from the electoral contest.  Lately however, apart from the
candidates being rewarded with manna, party leaders too seem
to be beneficiaries of such arrangements.

We are not certain if the same modus operandi was used by the
BJP to get the opponents to Alina Saldanha to withdraw from
the race at Cortalim.  But, it would appear to anyone, with a
head on his shoulders, that Dabolim MLA Mauvin Godinho had a
vital role in ensuring the withdrawal of the Congress nominee
Raymond D'Sa and Independent Ramakant Borkar from the

          Now, Congress High Command emissaries are groping
          for alibis to establish why Raymond D'Sa withdrew
          from the race.  Would they and the high command
          have the courage to open up the story as to how a
          little known person was foisted as a Congress
          candidate in the March elections against Matanhy
          Saldanha?  On that occasion, the action surprised
          everybody, and it was widely believed that Godinho
          had forged a reciprocal understanding with the BJP
          to field a weak candidate against Matanhy, and in
          turn, the BJP would foist a weak candidate against
          Godinho at Dabolim.  That Congress candidate
          Caetano Xavier eventually later lost even the
          panchayat elections and emerged fourth in the ward
          garnering just 64 votes!

If the Congress High Command is serious and committed to
arrest the malaise affecting the party and unravel the
'mysteries' of the election debacle in March, the Defence
Minister A K Anthony Committee study report on the reasons
for the defeat of the Congress, should be cast into the dust
bin.  What the party ought to have done is to ascertain how
some party leaders initiated efforts in their self-interest,
sacrificing party interest.  Another case of such deals
appears to be the truck between Manohar Parrikar and Babush
Monserratte this year when a weak candidate was fielded in
Panjim against Parrikar, and in return, the BJP foisted a
weak alliance candidate at Santa Cruz against Monseratte.

There is an excellent precedent of  such type of
match-fixing: In yet another case in the past involving
Parrikar contesting Panjim seat, the Congress deliberately
foisted a weak candidate in the person of Ramesh Silimkhan.
This was despite the fact that it was known that Slimkhan was
close to Parrikar, and, in fact, Parrikar had made him the
Mayor of Panjim earlier.  As expected, Silimkhan failed to
have a public election meeting worth the name in Panjim, and
it was widely claimed that on Election Day, he was no where
around, thereby offering a cake-walk victory to Parrikar.

Of course, an element of blackmail, as hinted at by the
Congress emissary also played a vital role in the ultimate
result.  Godinho's utterances are an excuse because certainly
Godinho had asked D'Sa to withdraw from the race.  What we
saw on the TV, with Raymond proclaiming that no Congress
leader expressed support is part of the game.

Though electorate goes through brief spells of euphoria as it
happened at the assembly election, Goan polity has fallen to
the ground with a thud with such match fixing.  Two things
are evident from this development that --in politics there
are no saviours and deceit is part of politics.  It’s time
the trumpet section stopped their mindless accolades and woke
up to reality.

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