By Mervyn Maciel

(After my "Wanderings among the Nomads" article, I had
promised to write further of my time in the Northern
Frontier, and this article is about the time I spent among
the pastoralists of Marsabit District in Northern Kenya.)

Much though I wanted to remain in the inferno of Turkana
(Lodwar), my superiors decided otherwise and I soon found
myself in much cooler climes at Marsabit, the home of the
Gabbra, Rendille and Boran tribes.

          Marsabit is a vast district covering some 28,000
          square miles, a lacustrine section in the north
          being the only ameliorating factor.  Because of its
          pleasant climate, it had once been proposed as the
          Provincial Headquarters for the Northern Province,
          an idea that never took off.

While the township area was always green and lush because of
the mists from the mountain, a few miles out and you could be
in the middle of lava deserts and empty wastelands.

The boma (Government offices) itself was situated on Marsabit
mountain -- an oasis of sorts surrounded by a thick forest
where elephant, buffalo and fairly large buck roamed freely.
I had elephants for my nightly visitors, and an encounter
with a lone buffalo in the middle of the night was not an
uncommon sight (I once had such a hairy experience when
visiting the outside loo in the middle of the night!).

In the office, I had a true 'mixture' of individuals; my
immediate assistant was a Gabbra (David Dabasso Wabera),
later to become the first African District Commissioner from
the Northern Frontier.  The D.C.'s interpreter was a Rendille
(Sangarta) while the office boy (Shalle), a Burji from
Ethiopia.  We also had an Asst.  Office boy, a Boran (Galma).

          (Sadly, Wabera , who was D.C.  Isiolo, the
          Provincial headquarters for the Northern Frontier
          Province, at the time, was gunned down by Somali
          bandits shortly after Kenya's independence in 1963.
          To honour his memory, Wabera Street in Nairobi was
          named after him).

In addition to the office staff, we had an elite force of
Frontier Tribal Policemen, popularly known as Dubas.  These
men were drawn from among the best of the tribes and looked
very smart in their snow-white uniforms and brilliant red

The Gabbra, often referred to as the 'Camel  nomads of
Northern Kenya', are pastoralists who live in the dry areas
of northern Kenya.  There is a section of this tribe who also
live in Ethiopia.  The camels, which always carry heavy water
containers, fibre mats and wooden poles (which are used to
build a Gabbra house), provide the transport that is so vital
to the nomadic life that these people lead.  The Gabbra
themselves say, "Camels are our lorries", and I can still
recall scenes of camel caravans moving in areas where no
vehicle could possibly move with such high-humped loads.

          One thing I remember so well about the Gabbra is
          their greeting, 'waare nagayati, waari nagayati'
          (peace in the morning, peace in the evening).
          Another, commonly heard greeting around Marsabit
          was, ‘naga naga, nageni badada' again, all invoking
          peace.  The Gabbra have any number of rituals and
          colourful ceremonies and also religious songs
          (hymns) known as dikira.  They have songs about
          their elders, children, the rain and even their
          camels.  One particular line from their hymn to the
          camels, when translated, reads, "O camels, give us
          milk, fill the vessels, stay in the enclosure and
          give us milk, O camels."

Like the Turkana I'd left behind in Lodwar, I got to like the
Gabbra too; in their tribal dress they looked like Prophets
right out of the Old Testament!

Another tribe I got to meet at Marsabit were the Rendille who
are closely related to their neighbours, the Samburu.  They
inhabit a most inhospitable area along the Kaisut desert -- a
desert I often had to cross during my travels.

          Whereas a stranger to the N.F.D. could not readily
          differentiate between a Rendille and a Turkana,
          those of us who lived in the frontier had no
          difficulty in telling one from the other.  Their
          speech and mode of dress would give them away!

Like the Gabbra I've described earlier, the Rendille prefer
camels to cattle.  These 'ships of the desert' are ideal for
moving across vast arid areas.

Women's lib was unknown during my time in this region, so
women coped with most of the chores like tending the
children, cooking etc while the men took their responsibility
of looking after their livestock very seriously.

Like the age-old custom of 'dowry' among us, Goans, the
Rendille pay a bride-price in the form of livestock, and
again, like their Masai cousins, Rendille men cannot marry
until they've proved themselves as warriors (a Masai moran
had to kill a lion before he could marry a young girl --
lucky man!)

The Boran (or Borana) who live on Marsabit Mountain can trace
their origins to Southern Ethiopia.  Like the other tribes
I've described here, the Boran are also nomads who regard
their livestock as their prize possession.  To me, the Boran
always appeared outwardly "proud"; perhaps they felt they
were a cut above the other nomadic tribes?  As livestock is
so important to most nomadic tribes, the only time they
really have to move is when grazing is scarce.

I can fondly remember the Boran Chief (Galgallo Duba) and his
assistant (Jilo Tukena) of Marsabit, as it was to these two
men that we went whenever the cows they had 'hired' out to us
went dry!

          An important ceremony among the Boran is the
          'Gadamoji' -- which is celebrated every eight years
          according to the lunar calendar.  I remember
          attending one of these ceremonies in the company of
          my good friend, Dr.  Paul Baxter (the first English
          anthropologist who arrived in Marsabit in the early
          1950s to study this tribe).  Paul Baxter and I
          still keep in touch.

The small contingent of Burji who live in Marsabit can trace
their origins to Northern Ethiopia.

The Burji who lived around Marsabit during my time were
mainly agriculturalists; today, they can be found in the
capital Nairobi, and elsewhere.  A Burji friend (Elisha
Godana), who was a tax clerk in Marsabit during my time did
so well later and ended up as a Minister in the Kenyatta
government.  I still get news of him through another good
Burji friend of mine, the journalist and author (Woche Guyo).

>From this article, which sadly is going to be the last in
this series, you will see how much I got to love the peoples
of the Northern Frontier of Kenya.  Some may be a warlike
tribe, but on the whole, they turned out to be great friends.

Mervyn Maciel is author of Bwana Karani

Goanet Reader is compiled and edited by Frederick Noronha.
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