Crouching cougar, hidden cub

The West has its cougars -- women around or above 40 who pursue or are
pursued by men half their age -- but Reena Martins discovers that older
women with considerably younger male partners are not rare in India either

A scene from a stage adaptation of The Graduate

It’s past 8pm and the wine-and-pasta party has begun to gather momentum at
a vintage house in a North Goa village. Aromatic candles flicker on the
tables, and the ambience is decidedly romantic.

Somewhere in the melee, unseen by the non-discerning, are three well-built
young men. They don’t quite fit in with the rest of the crowd — they are
chatting among themselves and don’t seem to know too many of the guests
there. But when the party ends and the lights go out, they are the ones
who’ll lock themselves into bedrooms with the party hostesses.

The hostesses -- divorcees and unmarried women in their late fifties -- are
called cougars, after the North American wild cat. It’s a word that’s been
gaining currency in recent times. A cougar, as the definition goes, is a
woman around or above 40 who pursues or is pursued by men who are half her

There are other definitions, too. “A cougar is a smart, sexy and
independent woman who makes empowered choices for herself and her love life
— far away from the desperate, sex-starved older women image of one who
preys on younger men,” says Rita Sangha, 39, a self-proclaimed British
cougar of Indian parentage. “We should lighten up about the term cougar.”

The West has its real life star cougar such as Demi Moore (who at 42
married Ashton Kutcher, then 27), cougar-cub dating sites and clubs,
Courtney Cox in the sitcom Cougar Town, cougar cruises,
“how-to-be-a-cougar” manuals and published confessionals on the joys of
being a cougar. Nor are cougars restricted to the glamourous professions.
Northern Ireland First Minister Peter Robinson’s wife Iris had an affair
with a 19-year-old man when she was 59.

India may not be all there yet, but older women with considerably younger
male partners are not rare. Take Sheela and Siddharth. Siddharth, a
journalist in his 20s, ran into Sheela at an art gallery in Mumbai. After a
few meetings, Siddharth says he realised Sheela, who was older than his
mother, needed “some serious attention”. So they met, dined and had sex.
They went to the movies and held hands inside the theatre. All in all, “she
behaved like a teenager in love, though she also scolded me,” he says.

Sangha, who claims to be in the know about the cougar scene from “Africa to
California”, says she has been approached by “quite a few so-called
cougars” in India who are more likely to be secretive of their desires.

Sangha’s Facebook home page is replete with pictures of her in a trademark
teasing smile and loads of cleavage. Men, 20-something or even younger,
form a major chunk of her 1,000-plus friends on the social networking site.
In between announcing the countdown to the next cougar party (which is
every other day), she asks in one status update: “Are there any Indian
cougars out there?” Amidst the customary ‘lol’ (or Laugh Out Loud), another
cougar replies: “Yes, they are ‘coming out’.” Recently Sangha played agony
aunt to a man in Delhi, whose email read: “I am 26, she is 35. How does
this sound? In our families, it is a crime.” She urges young men to be
“sophisticated” and impress the partner with knowledge of her favourite
subjects. “Let her know you want to win the key to her heart and let her
win on purpose; be romantic and sweet; say things you mean — like ‘you give
me butterflies’; and most importantly, act like the age difference does not
bother you.”

Sangha, who sells her e-book Insider Hot Dating Tips and Secrets on her
website, says women love men who can
“confidently” wear pink. “Treat her like a queen and put her first,” she
advises. But do not say “You look too old to be a cougar, flash your
private parts or be crude, or worse still, get tongue tied.”

Siddharth isn’t tongue-tied, but his cougar likes to speak her mind. She
tells him how to behave in public, and teaches him to act “gentlemanly” at
the club. “She called me a shallow intellectual and encouraged me to write
articles that were meaningful,” Siddharth says. He enjoys being driven
around town and dining at five-star restaurants. Sheela gifted him a gold
chain, a Citizen watch and a gold “commemorative” ring — which he sold when
he was broke. There is no exchange of money. “She insists I am not a gigolo
to be paid, and that the gifts are only out of her affection for me,” he

Not all cougars, however, flaunt their man candy. In Mumbai, Aarti, a
grandmother in her mid-sixties, and her boyfriend Rahul, 42, mask their
affair as a mother-son relationship in public — with Rahul even addressing
her as “mother”. But when the world’s not looking, the two are together.
Aarti insists that Rahul dine with her every night — which he does. If he
has a late-night do, she waits up for him.

But what cements a relationship between a younger man and an older woman?
For some young men, there is erotic adventure in dating older women. For
some women, a younger man acts as an antidote to ageing. “I feel like a
younger person,” says Mumbai-based Juliet, who is married to a younger man.
“I see women my age married to men older than themselves and they have
grown old before their years. They see themselves as their husband’s age
and try to conform to a role of what society expects of them,” she says.

Many younger men say they find it refreshing and attractive to be
approached by a woman. “The lack of confidence and inhibitions she may have
had as a younger woman having gone, she is now more sure of herself and her
attractiveness,’ says Sangha.

Sometimes, it’s only sex that keeps the partners together. The cougar group
in Goa has little else in common with their men. The women come from
moneyed backgrounds, while their men — all between 27 and 35 years of age —
run restaurants or small tourist-related businesses. Though these men are
looked after lavishly, they are not to be flaunted in public and only lurk
in the shadows of candle-light parties.

Families of cougars are obviously not very happy about the affairs. Aarti’s
husband and married children know about her relationship, and her son has
been trying to bar Rahul’s entry into the house. It hasn’t worked, for
Aarti invariably opens the backdoor to her unmarried paramour.

Sheela’s husband, an environmental activist and small time businessman,
once found her embracing Siddharth. The husband walked out of the room
without saying a word, but a few days later complained to Siddharth’s boss
about the “poor quality” of his work.

Not many of these relationships last long. Once or twice a week, the Goa
women’s group heads off to the flea market and the beach, where the beach
boys prowl. “They even scout for boyfriends for each other, each time one
of them is dumped by a man,” says Vivek, 38, a regular at the ladies’

This is the story of most ‘cougar-cub’ relationships. Sangha believes these
affairs can last for anything between a “lifetime and five minutes”. But no
one’s complaining -- neither the cougar, nor the cub.


Dos for cougars

* Treat him like an equal
* Have fun, but don’t expect every date to turn into a relationship
* Have interests outside your date/relationship
* Be yourself and like yourself
* Make sure you still see your girlfriends, family, etc
* Be confident about yourself and your body/looks

…And don'ts

* Don’t mother him
* Don’t pay for everything
* Don’t act like an overaggressive man
* Don’t be a doormat

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