Goa slides 6 places in education development index

Gauree Malkarnekar, TNN Jun 16, 2013, 06.35AM IST

PANAJI: Goa's education sector put up a poor show in the Union human
resource development (HRD) ministry's education development index (EDI),
where the state saw a drastic fall from last year's 13th position to a
heartbreaking 21st spot.

Goa had slid from 9th to 13th position already last year, with the problem
areas of access to upper primary education and performance of students
remaining the state's main challenges this year too.

The ranks are drawn by the HRD based on data gathered under the Sarva
Shiksha Abhiyan on parameters of access to education, infrastructure,
teachers' qualification and training available to them and performance of
students from Classes I to VIII.

The state was among the worst performers on the access front where
sufficient high schools were not available to several habitations. The data
indicates that there was only one school available for every 10 kilometres
on an average in Goa at the upper primary level, ie Classes VI to VIII.

The performance of students was also one of the least noteworthy in the
country. Though Goa's enrollment ratio has seen improvement, its retention
rate at the primary level was meager with only 70% being able to complete
elementary education.

While the state performed moderately on the infrastructure parameter, the
qualification of teachers and in-service training made available to them
was the savior for Goa on the EDI.

The state's performance in the HRD survey has put it in the company of
perceivably development-challenged states like Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh
and Mizoram.

Goa has been able to integrate only a disappointing 0.84% children with
special needs in its regular schools.

Only 25% of Goa's enrollment showed faith in government-owned schools with
majority of students opting for privately-managed, government-aided
schools. Ten percent chose entirely privately-managed schools.

For up to 19 days during an academic year, Goa used over 21% of its
teachers for non-teaching assignments like census and other work.


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