By Victor Hugo Gomes

On a rainy June morning a call came through from Christopher
Pereira giving me the sad news of the demise of his father,
the legendary King of Jazz in our part of the globe, Joe
Pereira known fondly to all as Jazzy Joe -- the man who
changed the face of Jazz in India.

My connections with Joe began in the 1990s when I first
invited him over to perform at The Great Music Revival
opening concert, called 'The tribute to Great Goan
Musicians', at the Kala Academy.  It was here that I
witnessed firsthand his virtuosity.

          It was Jazzy Joe's first ever concert in Goa.  It
          was a time when lots of great Goan musicians who
          had made it big outside Goa, were reluctant to play
          in Goa because of non-recognition from the land of
          their birth.  It was Jazzy Joe who helped break the
          ice and I managed to convince many musicians of
          Goan origin from across India to come and perform
          for the first time ever in Goa on one single stage.

It was Joe who did all the arrangements and compositions.
Joe managed to have on the same stage, musicians who never
worked together and musicians who had never spoken to each
other for a long time or simply hated each other.

Jazzy Joe was then also, for the first time, performing for
an audience in Goa with his big band.  The concert was a huge
success and a memorable event that had brought thousands of
music lovers to Panjim to pay tribute to Goa’s unsung heroes.
It was a concert which received a standing ovation with wild
call for encore long after the musicians finished playing
their last song.

Most guests requested us not to tear the tickets at the
entrance because they wanted to keep them as a souvenir.  The
concert deserved the publicity it received with front page
reviews and titles like, "They came, they played, and they
conquered", "Soul stirring performance", "A dash of Goan
genius" and many more.  The concert inspired cartoonists like
the legendary Mario Miranda and Alexyz to draw cartoons on
the spot and gift them to me as a gesture of their
appreciation.  Since the first concert, the Jazzy Joe
Ensemble was a regular feature for the annual Great Music
revival and every year he would showcase new Goan faces.

Joe's musical career spans the evolution of Jazz from
Chicago-style hot and early Dixieland to present day modern
jazz.  He was the pioneer of fast tempo, instrumental
virtuosity, and improvisation-based bebop in India, having
played with American jazz saxophonist and composer Charlie
"Yardbird" Parker and American jazz trumpeter, band-leader,
composer and occasional singer John Birks "Dizzy" Gillespie.

Years of continuous training was reflected in each of his
performance.  Joe is one of India's jazz legends whose career
spanned over seven decades, actually making him 'the' history
of Jazz in India.  He was indeed well known for his
showmanship with the saxophone and clarinet.

          Joe Pereira was born in Calangute, Goa in 1927. By
          the age of eight he had learned the violin and by
          15 he was a genius on the clarinet -- that woodwind
          instrument with a single-reed mouthpiece and his
          forte till date.  His earlier music career was
          shaped by his cousin Sebastian D'Souza under whom
          Joe learnt the saxophone, playing nothing less than
          four hours everyday.

At 19, Joe began his career by leading a sextet in Lahore.
After Partition, and the separation of India and Pakistan, he
returned back home to Goa where opportunity knocked on his
door and he found himself in Bombay playing with the
saxophonist Johnny Baptist and later with the Rudy Cotton in
Delhi, a Parsi in an Indian Jazz scene otherwise dominated by
Anglo-Indians and Goans.

He than moved to Calcutta and joined the Calcutta Symphonic
Orchestra.  He also simultaneously continued his education in
music.  He then joined the Russian saxophonist Walter Yeshin
Quintet.  He also played with pianist Baby Menezes and Tony
Menezes.  It was here that he gained reputation as a composer
and music arranger.

In 1957 he formed his own band which played at the Blue Fox
in Calcutta, a famous Park Street haunt of earlier times.  At
the 1984 Jazz Yatra he formed 'the foot tappers big band'
with whom he composed the famous 'Flight Of The Raag' based
on the Raag Yaman Kalyan for the occasion.

          He dropped in at my house every time he came to
          Goa.  On one of his visits to Goa about eight years
          ago, I saw that despite age catching up on him,
          Jazzy Joe still rocked.  He never gave up his
          training, rehearsal or his professionalism.  He was
          jamming with a local set of musicians at my venue
          "Hugo's Hungry Hill", Nuvem, and Jazzy Joe took on
          a note and was having fun playing an impromptu solo
          on his saxophone, the crowd went wild while the
          rest of the band members could not take the
          attention he was getting.  They took a break and
          stepped down the stage while Jazzy Joe continued
          alone mesmerizing the audience for another thirty

Despite his world tours in Singapore, Colombia, Bahrain,
Lahore and the most memorable was one in New Orleans night
clubs, he was simple and a humble person who enjoyed his
music.  He would say, "The more I play jazz the harder I can

It was a weekend in November 2010.  Jazzy Joe had heard of
the Goa Chitra museum that I had just started and my struggle
to raise funds to keep the museum going.  Joe in his late
80s, felt that a project like Goa Chitra needs encouragement.
Not letting his age come in the way, he made a commitment to
perform live in concert at Goa Chitra despite all hurdles.

Yes, he gave me his final gift and performed at my fund
raising event completely free of cost; he refused to take any
money even for his travel.  He got emotional and announced to
the audience, "After all victor has done for us musicians
this is the least I can do for a person who has done so much
for Goan musicians and promoting live music."

          Such was his sensibility. Paying this tribute to my
          dear hero, Jazzy Joe, this is the least I can do
          while biding him good-bye.The finale is always
          depressing when the notes are somber; the tune...
          a sad whisper of good bye especially when the
          opening act was so strong that it still vibrates
          and lingers.

Victor Hugo Gomes is an artist and founder of the Goa Chitra
museum in Goa Visit it online at

Goanet Reader is compiled and edited by Frederick Noronha.
Another version of this article was carried earlier in
Gomantak Times.

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