By Tony Fernandes

Pen and ink drawing by the author:

          Like most houses in the olden days, Felicio's house
          had a modest little garden.  His mother planted
          different types of flower plants in it.  She
          fetched water from the nearby well, watered the
          plants, trimmed them and planted new ones once in a
          while.  As a young boy, Felicio had his own little
          patch with a set of plants that he tended to.

Every morning after young Felicio woke up, he would go to the
garden to have a close look at the plants and admire at the
blooms, and also check whether any new blossoms or buds had

During the rainy season, in one corner of the garden, there
grew a perennial creeper that bore beautiful and tiny
star-shaped red flowers that were one of Felicio's
favourites.  The plant seemed to grow at a rapid pace each
day.  Felicio had a string tied to the under-side of the roof
beams, from one side of the house to the other, running just
under the eaves drop, helping the creeper to get a hold on it.

Felicio was very anxious for the creeper to grow fast and
just couldn't wait for more buds to blossom into flowers.  On
some occasions, and time-permitting, Felicio would help his
mother in transferring the water she fetched from the nearby
well, into a small bucket to irrigate his plants before he
left to go to school which was situated on the distant hill
of Monte de Guirim.

The *vaddo* (ward) of the village, where Felicio lived had
about five communal wells.  Fortunately, his house was
located near one of the wells; the proximity of which made it
easier to carry the water to his house.  These wells provided
the village folks with crystal clear natural water for
drinking, cooking, washing clothes, cooking pots, pans and
utensils, bathing, watering flower plants that grew in their
front and rear gardens, and also the trees around their house
once in a while.

          A few winding narrow paths lead to the wells.  They
          were constructed from contoured laterite stones,
          very deep and of varying diameters.  The water
          table of the wells fell very low during the summer
          months, but in contrast they filled almost to the
          brim during the monsoons.  At such times people did
          not even need a rope to haul the water up.  The
          folks just leaned over the raised ledge of well,
          filled the small pot and hauled it up.

The village boys would earnestly hope for abundant rains to
fill the wells up prior to the days leading to the feast of
St.  John the Baptist, and also wished them to fill just to
the right level so that they could celebrate 'San Joao' by
taking their turns in jumping into the wells with the flower
wreaths placed on their heads and enjoying themselves eating
jack-fruit and mangoes served by the folks who used the
particular wells.

At times before sunrise, Felicio would be awakened by the
noise of copper pots as they were placed on the ledge of the
well near his house.  Some people also used clay pots.  The
rims of the wells had hollows in them to hold the pots

With a rope fastened to the neck of a smaller copper pot,
folks used it to fill a larger copper pot, maintaining
balance and adopting a certain posture and a firm stance to
haul the water pot up.  Womenfolk carried the pots home with
ease by placing the larger pot on their hips with the crook
of one arm, while at the same time carrying a smaller one
with the other hand.  Men carried water pots in both hands or
in tin buckets.

When Felicio was a young lad, the well near his house did not
have a pulley and it had been a little difficult; but in
later years, drawing water from the well was much easier --
fun, exuberance and pleasure.  This was after two laterite
posts were constructed, with wooden beam across them and a
pulley system installed over the well, through labour and
money contributed by the folks who used water from the well.

          In Goa, the most common and memorable greeting in
          *Konkani: Deu Boro Dis Dhium* (May God give you a
          *good day) were the first words of the morning to
          *one's neighbours, who also came to fetch water...
          *down by the village well.

Some of the good old days have now given way to overhead
tanks and electric water-pumps providing the village folks
with tap water, in addition to the benefit and ease of
sprinkling their gardens with rubber hose pipes.

Post your comments to the author Tony Felix (Felicio)
Fernandes and discuss this article via All comments are welcome. This article was
first published on the author's blog, and then on
Goanet@Facebook. Tony Fernandes has also authored a book on
his memories of Goa.

Goanet Reader is compiled and edited by Frederick Noronha. If
you have an interesting, Goa-related article which you'd like
circulated, send it to

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