A FAREWELL IN A CLUBHOUSE IN ENTEBBE (1951): Can you identify someone here?
John Nazareth, the statistician of Goan origin in Canada, shared this photo
with me. He writes: "Here’s a group picture of a send-off party given by
the Entebbe GI [Goan Institute] to my father who was being transferred to
Fort Portal in 1951. Some interesting people in it: My parents are seated
at the centre, my mother with a bouquet. I’m standing in front of my mother.
 Peter [Nazareth, novelist and author, and Professor of English and the
University of Iowa] is seated in front of my dad. Raul [De Lima, later a
teacher in St Britto, Mapusa, and now in Goa] is the fourth child seated
from the right (your right). If I am not mistaken, the late Marshall
Rodrigues [of Entebbe, and Southampton, earlier Colvale-Goa] is among those
standing on the left side – he is the sixth from the left." If you know
someone else in this pic, please tag and identify. Pass the word around.

Share your old photos and memories in cyberspace, via the Goa Old Photo
Collection. Email scanned images to f...@goa-india.org if you agree to share.
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