Victor Rangel-Ribeiro

Planning a concert programme is something like picking a
field of candidates for a crucial general election: you have
to make sure that each of the pieces you perform will please
at least some section of the audience.

          So when our soloist for the Goa String Orchestra
          concert, Goan (and British) pianist Karl Lutchmayer
          said he would like to perform Mozart's Piano
          Concerto No. 14, Fr. Eufemiano Miranda and I were
          both delighted, he as manager of the group and I as
          its conductor; it is a light-hearted and lively
          concerto, and we knew it would be a winner.

I was less happy when Fr. Eufemiano suggested that Handel's
"Arrival of the Queen of Sheba" should be the opening piece.
My objection to it is that, in order to perform it, you need
not a conductor but a coachman; someone who knows how to get
horses started, is smart enough to let them keep going at
their own steady pace, and is also savvy enough to bring the
carriage to an abrupt stop without giving Her Majesty's neck
a nasty jolt.  Still, I knew the audience would love it, so
the "Arrival" stayed in.

I scheduled two charming and very tuneful works by the
British composer Edward Elgar to be played immediately after
the Handel, so as to give the audience something sweet to
listen to after the relentless clipclop of horses' hooves.

          Mozart's Serenata Notturna (Nocturnal Serenade) was
          picked to be played after the intermission; in this
          witty piece Mozart has two small groups of players
          competing with each other for the public's
          attention while occupying the same limited space.
          We had performed it once before at the Monte
          Festival in 2009 and the audience had loved it.

Finally, both Fr. E and I wanted to end the evening with one
or more Goan selections.  The former headmaster and current
choral director Anthony Calisto Vas had arranged two pieces
from 'Kunbi Jacki', and to them I added my own 1958
arrangement of 'Adeus kortso vellu pauta' as the orchestra's
surprise farewell to one of its own members who was flying
off to Europe the next day for musical studies in Europe.
The orchestra read the 'Adeus' music at sight, and it must be
mentioned that all three Konkani selections were applauded
Rangel-Ribeiro, at 88, is a long-time Goanetter and continues
to spen an amazing amount of energy in actively mentoring
younger people in Goa, in writing, music and other fields.
He spends part of his year in the US, and another large part
in Goa.

Goanet Reader is compiled and edited by Frederick Noronha (FN).

Below are some recordings from the concert. Your comments (in
the box below the videos) and corrections would be
appreciated by all those who worked hard to stage this
unticketed event!

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